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Low Class Equates To Low Iq


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I find this whole " I am better than you" thought process rather sad.


Wether applied to percieved class, wealth, religious views, clothes worn or music listened to.


Why do so many people value their own self worth in terms of what percentage of the populace they consider themselfs better than?


Although we are equal in the site of the Lord when it comes to equality in general there it ends. People are different from each other. Not just by nurture but also by nature. Some people are better than me in absolute terms, some ore not better than me in absolute terms. Values, ambitions, innate behaviour, lifestyle, all these things and more go to make up the character of a person, and it is possible to establish groups of types of people with sufficient commonality as to enable them to be “classed” together. A classless society is as much humbug as a multicultural society, both things the imagined possibility by people who simply don't understand human nature.

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I find this whole " I am better than you" thought process rather sad.


Wether applied to percieved class, wealth, religious views, clothes worn or music listened to.


Why do so many people value their own self worth in terms of what percentage of the populace they consider themselfs better than?


Although we are equal in the site of the Lord when it comes to equality in general there it ends. People are different from each other. Not just by nurture but also by nature. Some people are better than me in absolute terms, some ore not better than me in absolute terms. Values, ambitions, innate behaviour, lifestyle, all these things and more go to make up the character of a person, and it is possible to establish groups of types of people with sufficient commonality as to enable them to be classed together. A classless society is as much humbug as a multicultural society, both things the imagined possibility by people who simply don't understand human nature.


WOW !!!


How on earth can you use the concept of God to justify your small minded bigoted ideas?


The very people you seem to dismiss as an underclass, compared to your holy self, are the people Jesus sought to be his apostles.


Lets see. Multicultural society is humbug? Well, yup, maybe in your small tea and scones bible study group. But the world is not as big as you seem to think it is. It's not difficult to see the world as a single community. But you choose not to. Because your bible group are better than them?


Wow, I am amazed that God is a Mail reader.......

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Yes, people are different from one another. By nurture and by nature. But what did the nature have to do with class? Class is the human relationship to production in the economy.


Yup. but I would edit it to read: Class is the percieved relationship to production in the economy.

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Yes, people are different from one another. By nurture and by nature. But what did the nature have to do with class? Class is the human relationship to production in the economy.


Yup. but I would edit it to read: Class is the percieved relationship to production in the economy.

Perceived? If you are talking about class and accept that there is a class 'system' in society based on the forms of relationship to modes of production, then you ARE working class. It's not a matter open to debate. Either you reject the class definition or class itself or you are of a particular class.
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Yes, people are different from one another. By nurture and by nature. But what did the nature have to do with class? Class is the human relationship to production in the economy.


Yup. but I would edit it to read: Class is the percieved relationship to production in the economy.

Perceived? If you are talking about class and accept that there is a class 'system' in society based on the forms of relationship to modes of production, then you ARE working class. It's not a matter open to debate. Either you reject the class definition or class itself or you are of a particular class.


I see your point. I have contradicted myself.

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But If you run a race faster than somone, your actually only "different" in the speed of how fast you can run, thats all, your not actually "better"!!!! ! It could be said that the other person is "better" as they can run slower! :)



I LOVE this piece of philosophy!



Why thank u ! :)


It seems as tho Ive now officaily been declared a genius and a great philosopher !!! :) ( AGAIN ! )


Ive never really thought of myself as a philosopher - but upon reflection I cud quite easliy get use to the very idea lol :) ( dont encourage me! )


* midnight takes a bow ! *


Supose tho we are all philosiphers, the teacher often learns much from the student, and the student can sometimes even learn a thing or 2 from the teacher! :)

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