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Is This For Real?


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I take it the next series of Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes and maybe Buddha of Suburbia (Dreadful 90's shite if ever there was) will be taking hints from this lot then?



I suppose I should have posted this in the little things that annoy you thread.



Maybe I should start getting offended when I get called a fat useless twat.







My self esteem has plummeted.







Lots of of love


A fat useless twat ;)



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I think maybe someone heard this story on the way to work,


Then while at work during an extended ciggie/toilet break all the workshy bints got talking about the Obama incident and thought to make a personal/local story would be a good idea on how all women are persecuted in the workplace,




Awww diddums :(

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Oh my she would love working here, even our customers call me "Love" I have a little joke about it with them, some I even call "Cock" back. I guess that will have to stop now. Sticks and stones and all that.

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"Hun" seems to be used mostly by women in my experience , (and WWI veterans). I've never been offended so far by being called Hun, but now I know I'm supposed to take offence I will!

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I've been called Hun by a female friend of mine...and i'm male!


what gets me is "mate"...i use it all the time to address someone i don't know. Say in a queue..."excuse me mate but do you.....whatever"


So what do I use? Sir? I'll get laughed, especially when ack in the northern working tow where i was brought up...


Suppose I'd better stop calling the girlfriend f*** bucket! ;-)

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It'll be a bit tough on those thespians who call everyone 'Darling' simply because they can't be bothered remembering names.


Noel Coward, writing to Marlene Dietrich:


Darling Marlene, or should that be Darling Achtung? How are you my Prussian cow?


Nowadays, he'd probably be sued!

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A family friend is from the Potteries where it would appear they call averyone Duck. I was in a shop with him recently and the following conversation ensued:-


Him "can you tell me where the crisps are duck?"


Shop assistant " 3rd aisle on your right"


Him "Thanks duck"


SA "would you mind not calling me duck please?"


Him " oh! sorry duck" turns and walks away whilst I tried helplessly not to p*ss my sides laughing as he hadn't realised he's called her duck again!!!

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A family friend is from the Potteries where it would appear they call averyone Duck. I was in a shop with him recently and the following conversation ensued:-


Him "can you tell me where the crisps are duck?"


Shop assistant " 3rd aisle on your right"


Him "Thanks duck"


SA "would you mind not calling me duck please?"


Him " oh! sorry duck" turns and walks away whilst I tried helplessly not to p*ss my sides laughing as he hadn't realised he's called her duck again!!!

Good thing he did not ask "Can you point me in the direction of the toilet duck?"


That would confuse her!

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