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Orange Posts/ Black £ Yellow Tape


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what is the script with this stuff around the course?? they spent a few hours putting it up at the 11th milestone, and a couple of days later they spent a few hours taking it down!! is this one of the shortest lived 'safety' ideas that wasn't really???

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I think they have gone mad.

probably just a worry about a bad dose of speed ?

Talking to some visitors (non-bikers) in Peel yesterday and they were asking wtf was going on? They said they had tried 3 of their favourite spots to watch practice and all were taped off. They also commented about the way in which the mountain has been obliterated with signs saying that they were more of a distraction than aid to safety and a horrible blot on the landscape.


One of the guys last comments was FFS treat us like adults not criminals or children, let us (meaning the two of them) decide what the risk is and not some moron with a clip board and computer after all we have passed a driving test and got to the age of 70+.


His final comment related to a tractor that had pulled out in front of him somewhere on the Michael road with bail forks on the front and some nasty pointy spikey things on the back, all uncovered and all at head height if you were on a bike of 4*4. If the H&S nuts wanted to do some work, they should be looking at this sort of stuff not someone wanting to sit on a grass bank and enjoy the scenery and racing.


Or does the Isle of Man not want visitors?

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There has definitely been a change of heart at the Gooseneck. The whole wall down to the bends was signposted, the bank heading from the box up the hill was a no-go area, & apart from sitting on the bank at the back of the grass, you couldnt actually go anywhere.


After first practice though, it has suddenly opened right up

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