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Now Then Children, Don't Try This At Home


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In todays Times:-

Chip-pan lesson ban


Firefighters in Devon and Somerset have been banned from demonstrating how to extinguish chip pan fires to schoolchildren in case they try to put one out at home. Parents called the move “crazy” and said that children learnt by seeing, rather than being given a leaflet. A fire service safety co-ordinator said: “They are very dangerous fires and we don't want children to be tackling them.”

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Bloody hell! dont you lot realise chips fried are unhealthy to children and you could be accused of harming their health, also it may offend our american morons friends calling them chips and not fries, added to that you must make sure the pan has been made by a fair trade sweatshop ethnicaly aware workshop in some third world dictatorship peoples collective, also please ensure the paper is made by 100% recycled products and the oil used is not required for eco fuel and can be used after filteration to make bio fuel, plus we must ensure the fire persons who attend contain at least 1 each of the following groups, gay, disabled, ethnic miniority single parent, ex convicts and women. (the french can be exluded from all the previous groups) :thumbsup:

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