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Dire Tt Entertainment

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After the success of last years TT, this year seems really crap. Too little on the prom, spaced right out to make it look like there's more. Last year the whole prom from the unknown soldier right down to Bushys, just looks so poor this year.

The show's outside the Bushy's tent too, last night they had 2 boring hours of bike stunts followed by the nutcase on the jet-quad. I fully appreciate that it may be really difficult to do wheelie's, endo's and skids, but last night took the piss, each act was followed by another, doing exactly the same 4 stunts. Then the jet-quad, impressive enough, but its the same thing as it ever was preceded by the same shit interview, "so Michel, what possessed you to put a jet engine on a quad bike?". I thought last years was repetitive!!

Surely there's more interesting and varied stunt stuff in the biking world, it doesn't even have to be bike related, just a bit of variation. Last night was the busy night of the week on the prom and the entertainment was just shit, boring. Not so much a big screen as a slightly bigger than someones LCD, where did they get that cameraman from too? I didn't see any Duke banners up, nor any mention of them, so who's organised this shambles this year?

Peel day was crap too, nothing down there for people to do.


After all the good from last year they should've built on it, i just think they've taken a massive step backwards imo.


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Just get to the bar with the rest of us!

Gettin' to the bar is another adventure, then trying to not lose it while trying to find some space to drink it in. I can handle it for half an hour, hour tops. The authorities ruined the whole experienced when they decided you were confined in that area, even though they're all plastic glasses, whats that all about?

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Its a bit poor really, same old same old. I thought the no drinking on the prom thing was to stop the tramps and chavs getting rowdy not to force everyone into the bottleneck pub area, its all a bit rubbishy, tacky and badly planned, you would almost think the anti-tourist board were trying to kill the TT......asif not

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Yep, I would agree it is all a bit sad and jaded. Although it is difficult to compare with last year, I do get the feeling that the all-island party atmosphere is sadly missing this year. Far too organised and corporate, far too little freedom to just enjoy yourself.


After all, the whole Bushy's thing grew out of bikers showing off to drinkers in Bushy's pub in the Yate's building in the 1980s. Bushy's did the right thing by replicating the pub in the tent, but the whole expereince has been hijacked and poorly hijacked at that. Back to some impromptu, improvised entertainment to get the atmosphere back.


By the by, is it me or do the bikers look particurlarly old this year?

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I was lucky enough to witness the original Busheys anarchy back in the 80s before the barriers went up and some wanker with a PA system decided to tell us what we could already see


Now the whole event is stage managed and surrounded by corporate banners


This is what will kill the TT, the detachment of the fans from the event


Health & safety keeping fans away from the action and corporate sponsorship taking over from brave nutters on bikes


The grey, artless & dull have triumphed again

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when it used to be random bikers just showing off on the prom i used to go down and watch most years at least once, normaly a couple of times,

it used to be gd, and u never new what was comeing next, the cops allways kept an eye as such on it, but u could get away with most things there on a bike, at night,


and as it was live so to speaking, it just felt so much better than these put on acts, cause lets be fair once u seen them once, u aint going to rush back and see them again are you,


while yes it was a public road and all that, most ppl new that it was prob best not to drive that part of the prom at night because of all the bikes playing around,


but PC and H&S and all that put a stop to it, think i been down 1 time since thay closed it all off, how ever many years ago that was, just not intrested in put on shows where u know whats going to happin,


more fun just watching the real lads trying to to do stunts on there bike, and burn outs, because u know there doing it for the crowd watching, just seamed more fun, dont know why just did, maybe it was the fact u were waiting for something to go wrong, which it did sometimes, just felt more real, and edge of your seat stuff


but times change, and nowt lasts forever

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The 'entetainment' is so poor that it's probably just as well that so few people have arrived for TT!


No doubt the Steam Racket, airport and Tourist Board will massage the figures to make it appear successful - but this is actually the poorest for attendance that I can remember. I think more people came when it was cancelled for the foot & mouth outbreak. :(

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They seem to want to take the "fun" out of things this year. Port Erin day today used to be called "Port Erin Fun day" but the commissioners were told not to call it that. So this year its just Port Erin day!


And don't use the word "speed" in any way, shape or form!!!

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