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Dire Tt Entertainment

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it is getting a little old hat


there must be some fresh ideas out there?


If you got any, or know anyone who has, please send suggestions marked as "urgent" to:


Department of Tourism and Leisure

St Andrew's House




Seriously, though - each of the acts are good in their own rights, but it's boring to watch this year - you can only watch trial bike / mini driving / jet quad so many times before it loses it's entertainment value, and hence doesn't qualify as entertainment anymore. The only good thing out of it is that it makes photos easier - I already know what's coming next and only need to hold the camera up without really watching it...

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Ironically there seems to be much more coverage of the TT this year - ITV4 and BBC NI (Sky 992). And with the sunny weather on Saturday the island looked fab. Anyone thinking of coming over next year will be hugely disappointed when they get here. The "entertainment" has been going downhill for years and there needs to be a radical re-think. Not just a couple of tweaks here and there but a big change. A mouldy old tent with warm beer, an overpriced funfair and groundhog day stunts from Steve Colley is not going to cut the mustard for much longer.

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It's a valid point - would the crowds be happier with a giant screen and re-runs of Duke videos?


Maybe keep the road open and let the bikers show off again

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perhaps less is more in this case....


Have the traders have stalls down the prom walkway (bin the "fair" - its been a disaster for years)

Big screens showing the day's racing and the Duke back catalogue....

Some live bands and beer stalls along the prom


If the other "entertainment" is that bad then strip it back to the basics.....

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it is getting a little old hat


there must be some fresh ideas out there?


If you got any, or know anyone who has, please send suggestions marked as "urgent" to:


Department of Tourism and Leisure

St Andrew's House




You are joking?

I e mailed Earnsahw at the beginning of last month with a structured set of proposals to consider for future tourist development.

I requested an e mail receipt and got one a day later.

Last week I mailed the receipt back asking

All very well but at what point in time will I receive the courtesy of a


Answer was, he's very busy and gets lots of correspondence to read.

They don't actually seem to be bothered about doing anything.

Leaves the question, what are they being paid for?


Incidentally, this was from one of the staff, not the supremo himself.


( edit for spelling )

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TT is dead event walking. I've not counted them on and counted them off again but the roads do seem very quiet. In fact going for a drive yesterday there were more w***ers in 4x4 driving at 20 mph then desperate bikers trying to go around them. Apart from that the entertainment is toss, but hey its been toss for years now. As other have said no organised entertainment is much better than the same guff they trot out every year. Even that won't fix things though as the pubs clubs and entertainment complexes shut there is hardly a decent sized venue to put decent entertainment on even if you wanted to.


As for the beer tent, look despite the name it ISN'T Bushys. Warm beer in plastic cups, a damp tent smelling of puke, mostly mediocre bands with an awful sound system, a bunch of bemused slightly bored bikers, and wanna be locals who think it is cool to wear denim and leather for this week is just pitiful.


If the TT dies on its arse due to health and safety or whatever maybe its no bad thing. The lack of effort, no hotels, no venues, pants entertainment, stupid cost to get here, falling visiter numbers, death and injury, etc, etc mean this may well be a mercy killing for an event that looks well past its sell by date.

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TT is dead event walking. I've not counted them on and counted them off again but the roads do seem very quiet. In fact going for a drive yesterday there were more w***ers in 4x4 driving at 20 mph then desperate bikers trying to go around them. Apart from that the entertainment is toss, but hey its been toss for years now. As other have said no organised entertainment is much better than the same guff they trot out every year. Even that won't fix things though as the pubs clubs and entertainment complexes shut there is hardly a decent sized venue to put decent entertainment on even if you wanted to.


As for the beer tent, look despite the name it ISN'T Bushys. Warm beer in plastic cups, a damp tent smelling of puke, mostly mediocre bands with an awful sound system, a bunch of bemused slightly bored bikers, and wanna be locals who think it is cool to wear denim and leather for this week is just pitiful.


If the TT dies on its arse due to health and safety or whatever maybe its no bad thing. The lack of effort, no hotels, no venues, pants entertainment, stupid cost to get here, falling visiter numbers, death and injury, etc, etc mean this may well be a mercy killing for an event that looks well past its sell by date.


Dear lord...keep that man away from sharp objects and gas ovens.

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TT is dead event walking.

It's the rip-off TT that is killing it - everyone seems to be in on that: the steam racket, many homestayers, the chuck wagons - not forgetting the number of now unneccessarily restricted areas. Lots of comments from people about that this year - but more telling are the no comments, from the ones that have been coming for years but are not here this year and are unlikely to be back.

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Power of the interwebby.

Just got a reply from the Senior Business Development Manager. He's suggested a meeting to discuss how to progress.

Reaction seems very positive.

So I'll keep it close for the moment.

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i was just talking to my dad about this, this morning. we're not expecially into the races at all but living on victoria road we always used to get constant noise from either the grandstand, the fair or people doing doughnuts on the prom and this year we've had nothing. whoever mentioned the thing about no young bikers coming over are bang on. If you look around town i don't think i've seen someone in leathers who looks under 40.


As far as the entertainment goes i can give or take most of the bands who are playing the tent this year. (i played it on the monday of practise week and i'm amazing so that was a good night) but i was in on friday and dan glee bitz were playing and really weren't all that special. I'm glad to see that Loaded aren't over this year. If anyone can tell me why bastard fucking Quill are at the villa AGAIN this year then i'd love to know.


If they really want to boost the entertainment over here, they shouldn't have got rid of the venue and should get in touch with the promoters of the bulldog bash and try and work something out with them.

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Who said all bikers are into bands? They need to vary music and entertainment and give something for everyone.

and I'm with you on Quill, The government must be using their old skool book of contacts, I'm surprised the grumbleweeds haven't made an appearance in the Villa Marina lately!


They should let the public do their thing, even if the road is closed and those that want to do a drive-by naked etc should be let through!

A band outside, stand-up comedy, other performers would be great!

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Out of interest, have the visiting bikers etc recently ( or indeed ever ) been surveyed on what they'd like to see provided in the way of entertainment, additional facilities etc?

Other than by word of mouth is there any provision for feedback as things stand at the moment?

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