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Dire Tt Entertainment

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Out of interest, have the visiting bikers etc recently ( or indeed ever ) been surveyed on what they'd like to see provided in the way of entertainment, additional facilities etc?

Other than by word of mouth is there any provision for feedback as things stand at the moment?


Will you please stop with your sensible and good ideas. There's no place for your type on this Island.

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It wouldn't be to bad if the beer tent sold beer instead of the weak warmed up over gassed longtail piss they are selling, I think that it is all the rejected beer from the previous 12 months watered down mixed with the slops from the pubs and resold.

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It wouldn't be to bad if the beer tent sold beer instead of the weak warmed up over gassed longtail piss they are selling, I think that it is all the rejected beer from the previous 12 months watered down mixed with the slops from the pubs and resold.


You must be talking about the lager then...the Bushy's bitter I was drinking on Friday was okay.

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yes sarah the demon celtic rockers are back :( we have a theory that some daft sod signed them up for a 10 year contract a while ago.


some better stand up would be brilliant. I'm sure it was funny but what the fuck posessed them to book ricky tomlinson and his mates, when i saw the poster it just made me think piss poor cabaret acts.

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Definitely not enough nakedness going on. After all, that is what is "entertaining"!!


On another note, I was sitting on the wall of the sunken gardens on the promenade side having a quiet coffee, enjoying the midday sun, and a copper comes up and says "can you get down off the wall please, can you not see the signs? it's for your own safety" or something along those lines.


Cue me looking at her in bewilderment?... Am I 3 years old? Am I no longer responsible for my own personal safety ? Am I Humpty fucking Dumpty ?


FFS it's just madness!! Yeah, going 160 mph on a bike in a delimited zone is perfectly acceptable, but sitting on a wall... well, that's right out..


Utter, utter bullshit.


Wall sitters of Douglas unite. Let them arrest us all.... jobsworth's idiot.

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It wouldn't be to bad if the beer tent sold beer instead of the weak warmed up over gassed longtail piss they are selling, I think that it is all the rejected beer from the previous 12 months watered down mixed with the slops from the pubs and resold.


You must be talking about the lager then...the Bushy's bitter I was drinking on Friday was okay.


In that case either your tase buds are knackered or I was drinking from a different barrel I NEVER drink lager

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It wouldn't be to bad if the beer tent sold beer instead of the weak warmed up over gassed longtail piss they are selling, I think that it is all the rejected beer from the previous 12 months watered down mixed with the slops from the pubs and resold.


You must be talking about the lager then...the Bushy's bitter I was drinking on Friday was okay.


In that case either your tase buds are knackered or I was drinking from a different barrel I NEVER drink lager


I agree. I had one pint of bitter in the beer tent and then moved on, because it was MINGIN. I do wonder about the entertainment - I find it tedious that it's the same every year, but then I am almost always here in TT week so I wonder whether visitors (apart from the regulars) feel the same way.

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I agree. I had one pint of bitter in the beer tent and then moved on, because it was MINGIN.


Well bang goes my night out tonight then.....


Its a pity that the brewery or some other local landlords couldnt get together to put a tent at the other end of the prom....the fact that it is known at "THE beer tent" is never a good sign....the use of the definitive article hardly smacks of variety!!!

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As a visitor on the island at the moment, I have found TT much quieter than normal. Saturday night walking into Douglas we hardly saw any traffic never mind bikes. In fact Sunday night was far busier. Could it be the rip off prices of the centenary year TT have kept many people away? That combined with the problems people had actually getting to the island due to the ferry fiasco.


Regarding the entertainment on the prom, it is usually the same every year. But I suppose there are only so many bike related stunts you can do in the name of entertainment, in a confined area. Anyway, visitors will always watch the entertainment so the organisers probably don't need to put in too much effort.


Generally at that time of night visiting bikers are probably more interested in going for a pint, so the entertainment is just something to watch for a few minutes in between pubs.


I am still enjoying the TT though, good racing during the day and a few beers at night. Just a pity a bit of the normal party atmosphere seems to be missing this year.

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I think the TT organisers and Gov, ought to get together with the Steam Packet and drop the prices to something that resembles Value For Money.

We take it for granted that people will turn up for the TT. When there was no other road racing allowed in the British Isles, the Island was an attraction. Now? We are quickly becoming a laughing stock.

£96.08 or £79.40 these are the prices for Donnington and based on two people. OK This is entry only, but for less than £800. you can go to Assen, entry into the circuit and a top notch hotel, again two people sharing, although for the life of me I couldn't find someone who would be willing to put up with me during the night.

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