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Dire Tt Entertainment

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I was sitting on the wall of the sunken gardens on the promenade side having a quiet coffee, enjoying the midday sun, and a copper comes up and says "can you get down off the wall please, can you not see the signs? it's for your own safety" or something along those lines.


What would have been funny is if you refused and were subsequently arrested.


A local man has been given a four month prison sentence, suspended for two years, by the High Bailiff, Michael Moyle.


The man, of a road, Douglas admitted an offence of sitting on a wall whilst drinking coffee.


The defendant sat on a wall, several times drinking coffee.


The man's advocate said what happened was out of character and his client was under significant pressure at home and at work.


Mr Moyle said offences involving young men sitting on walls were becoming all too common on the Isle of Man.

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I agree. I had one pint of bitter in the beer tent and then moved on, because it was MINGIN.


Well bang goes my night out tonight then.....


Its a pity that the brewery or some other local landlords couldnt get together to put a tent at the other end of the prom....the fact that it is known at "THE beer tent" is never a good sign....the use of the definitive article hardly smacks of variety!!!


As i said before the Corpy said no to the tent returning to the other end of the prom ... it is not needed according to them ..

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It might not be needed, but as it is now its a load of shite, all cramped up into one corner with the rest of the prom empty. It should be spread out a bit.

Just couple of simple ideas that'd get a bit of a festival vibe about the place, get rid of this bollox idea that you can't take a plastic cup out of the tent area, its a plastic cup for gods sake, you can stand on the other side of the barrier with a glass bottle or a can, its ridiculous, let people mill about. Encourage busking. Would cost nothing but would contribute so much to the atmosphere. They need to get rid of the ideas council because they are completely useless, nothing i've seen this year has contributed to the festival, its just such a step backwards from last year, its embarrassing.


Get rid of the red tape, health and safety bollox. Its no more safer than it was, its just a frustration.

The bikers i've spoken to seem convinced they're trying to faze it out.


I saw the signs tonight, about sitting on the wall being illegal, fuck off.

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It might not be needed, but as it is now its a load of shite, all cramped up into one corner with the rest of the prom empty. It should be spread out a bit.

Just couple of simple ideas that'd get a bit of a festival vibe about the place, get rid of this bollox idea that you can't take a plastic cup out of the tent area, its a plastic cup for gods sake, you can stand on the other side of the barrier with a glass bottle or a can, its ridiculous, let people mill about. Encourage busking. Would cost nothing but would contribute so much to the atmosphere. They need to get rid of the ideas council because they are completely useless, nothing i've seen this year has contributed to the festival, its just such a step backwards from last year, its embarrassing.


Get rid of the red tape, health and safety bollox. Its no more safer than it was, its just a frustration.

The bikers i've spoken to seem convinced they're trying to faze it out.


I saw the signs tonight, about sitting on the wall being illegal, fuck off.

So true, spread it out, let it have a carnival atmosphere and ease up on the H&S lunacy!


The TT was at its best when it was left to the bikers to put on their own shows, the police policed with a light and humorous touch and girls went topless on the back of bikes for a hoot!


The epitome of the TT for me was in the early 90s we came over for a holiday and had a drink in the Hawthorn. We were stood outside just watching the bikes go by when a couple of bikes came from the Peel side and started to doughnut and burn rubber, to great applause and whoops from the 'audience'. Then a police car just pulled up shy of the pub and sat there, the performing bikers saw it and moved on and the police car then continued on its way.


Now that was policing with a bit of savvy and connection to what the bikers want from the TT; a good time involving bikes with no intention of hurting themselves or anyone else.


That understanding is now sadly missing.


Not so long ago the TT was about enjoyment for the visitors as well as the locals, and everyone involved from the police to the race officials to the hot dog salesman had that as the main motivator - give everyone a good time! Money was made, of course, but everyone enjoyed it for its own sake. Now, it just seems to be a money spinning event with as many limitations as can possibly be put on it.


Next, the only way to watch the TT will be by DVD sold for huge prices. But it will be safe, we won't have the disruption and selling DVDs at a premium really does rake the cash in and we don't have to worry about those nasty bikers expecting a full English for less than a tenner.

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It wouldn't be to bad if the beer tent sold beer instead of the weak warmed up over gassed longtail piss they are selling, I think that it is all the rejected beer from the previous 12 months watered down mixed with the slops from the pubs and resold.


You must be talking about the lager then...the Bushy's bitter I was drinking on Friday was okay.


In that case either your tase buds are knackered or I was drinking from a different barrel I NEVER drink lager


I agree. I had one pint of bitter in the beer tent and then moved on, because it was MINGIN. I do wonder about the entertainment - I find it tedious that it's the same every year, but then I am almost always here in TT week so I wonder whether visitors (apart from the regulars) feel the same way.


On Saturday I went to the tent & asked for bitter but they served "Piston Brew" instead which compared to the "Bushys Bitter" is foul.

After making further enquires I found out that they wern't serving bitter, only "Piston Brew or Shuttleworth snap".


I don't think they are doing themselves any favors by not telling people they have no "Bushys Bitter" the same thing happened last year.


I left for the Rovers were normal service was resumed with a decent pint.

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After talking to a couple of bikers from Ireland, UK and Germany it seems the reason is quite simple, half of Europe is on its arse due to the credit squeeze, they simply cannot afford it, a lot booked tickets after last year and have changed the return dates because they can't afford to stay longer than a few days. Just look at the Ben this morning going back its full, the top deck has several white vans with racing logo's on it and a good number of bikes got on. The sad fact is half the world is in financial meltdown. On the bonus side those with cash need to squirrel it away somewhere so we come in handy hence the growth and because of rising fuel prices etc more are looking near home to holiday so we could get some benifit.

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So true, spread it out, let it have a carnival atmosphere and ease up on the H&S lunacy!


The TT was at its best when it was left to the bikers to put on their own shows, the police policed with a light and humorous touch and girls went topless on the back of bikes for a hoot!


The epitome of the TT for me was in the early 90s we came over for a holiday and had a drink in the Hawthorn. We were stood outside just watching the bikes go by when a couple of bikes came from the Peel side and started to doughnut and burn rubber, to great applause and whoops from the 'audience'. Then a police car just pulled up shy of the pub and sat there, the performing bikers saw it and moved on and the police car then continued on its way.


Now that was policing with a bit of savvy and connection to what the bikers want from the TT; a good time involving bikes with no intention of hurting themselves or anyone else.


That understanding is now sadly missing.


Not so long ago the TT was about enjoyment for the visitors as well as the locals, and everyone involved from the police to the race officials to the hot dog salesman had that as the main motivator - give everyone a good time! Money was made, of course, but everyone enjoyed it for its own sake. Now, it just seems to be a money spinning event with as many limitations as can possibly be put on it.


Next, the only way to watch the TT will be by DVD sold for huge prices. But it will be safe, we won't have the disruption and selling DVDs at a premium really does rake the cash in and we don't have to worry about those nasty bikers expecting a full English for less than a tenner.



The 'where there's blame there is a claim' culture is killing off the TT and plenty of other events. The government are shit scared of litigation cases, and it runs through all departments. Take NO risks seems to be their motto, for fear of someone claiming against them.


You see it with the HS around the prom, the new banned spectator areas, the heavy handed police, the no sitting on walls (WTF is that all about?), the cones, the temp speed limits, plastic pints, no drinking in public, the lack of investment in the entertainment, and on and on and on.


I don't see anyway back from the trend now though. The blame culture has become popular in UK law over the last 5-10 years and greedy people now know that if they graze their knee, there is some money to be made from someone else - pathetic.

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Jim - we have been holidaying in the UK since they started all that "Its for your own safety" terrorism bullshit and made it impossible to take a family with a small child through an airport without taking vallium. Golden tourist attraction opportunity missed. I would say Europeans would be richer over here though as the pound is poor compared to the Euro.


As for the police what is their problem? I have seen loads of people being 'told off' for nothing, bunch of little hitlers arent they? I was thinking about that this morning in the shower, is it because all they ever do the rest of the year is run around after 'kids in care' and other teenagers who step out of line? hence they treat everyone like a naughty child? I'm off to find out the average age of offenders in the Isle Of Man.

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nice one concrete! Ha!


IDEA spawning.....getting rid of all this superfluous officialdom would be an excellent marketting strategy for the IoM. Start the revolution.


Back to policing the TT like in the 90's.


the Isle of Common Sense., escape the surveillance nation and blame culture. Marvel at our one "safety" camera. Sit on walls, if you want. Drink coffee. Have fun on your bike. Get naked. Burn your back tire out. Drink beer from plastic cups. Stand in a tent that doesn't smell of vomit cause it's too smoky.


Inherent in the transportation rules/terms and conditions of arriving on the Island, people should agree to be totally responsible for their own personal safety, that they have taken out adequate travel insurance, and they will not under any circumstances adhere to the "where there's blame, there's a claim" culture.


Glass of free wine/beer/soft drink/or some form of local produce on arrival... free information pack to visitors. Can't believe a program for the TT is a tenner?!


b4mbi for tourism minister...


having said all that I was down the tent last night, and have not really seen Russ Swift before, so was pretty impressed by his routine, and by the 4 bikes afterwards that were better than I remembered.

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I was thinking about that this morning in the shower, is it because all they ever do the rest of the year is run around after 'kids in care' and other teenagers who step out of line? hence they treat everyone like a naughty child?


Sadly it does seem that way.

You need something else to think about in the shower girlie? :)

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