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Dire Tt Entertainment

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I agree. I had one pint of bitter in the beer tent and then moved on, because it was MINGIN.


Well bang goes my night out tonight then.....


Its a pity that the brewery or some other local landlords couldnt get together to put a tent at the other end of the prom....the fact that it is known at "THE beer tent" is never a good sign....the use of the definitive article hardly smacks of variety!!!


As i said before the Corpy said no to the tent returning to the other end of the prom ... it is not needed according to them ..


The other tent in 2007 was a nicer tent and the lager tasted better than Bushys.


It does seem quiter this TT.


Every year there is something else that you cannot do. For instance the barriers at the end of Victoria Street and across the prom just before Regent Street with the big signs stating "No Alcohol past this point".


The TT is too organised these days, hasn't really been the same since Bushys closed.

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Uniting the elements were dreadful.... A crap sound system that was farting and popping all over the place, the lady couldn't sing and the stage looked like a zoo display. People who put these events need to plan them and make them look good.

These straightliners lot need sacking off, dreadful bigging up of pretty standard tricks for those that can ride trial bikes, The "big" (slightly bigger than mine at home) screen is not in a central position for spectators but what does that matter when the camerman is probably operating it over the internet on a 56k modem, seems that way as he misses everything that is going on! Or it could be a woman, would hate to be sexist and leave them out of the blame.

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Finally got down the prom last night....some observations


The screen is totally in the wrong place. What's the point of having it down the end where the things were happening. if you could see the screen you could see the event anyway!!! needs to be more central (and bigger!)

The poor lady who was trying to describe the flight display was toally drowned out by that durge coming from the beer tent. It wouldnt take much organising to stop them playing for 20 mins would it!

Nice attempt at european style pissoirs but they needed a damn good clean

The place stunk really badly...combination of stale beer, puke and b.o. Bring back smoking!

No offence to the BMX chappy but this wasnt his audience

Russ Swift looked a little embarassed by the whole thing (although I did like his Evo!)

Bushy's tent sound system needs a serious overhaul.


Got bored pretty quickly so went for a Curry at Spice of India (end of Castlemona Ave)....very nice btw.


Over and out.

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seriously, who the fuck keeps booking Quill? i think it was the fun loving criminals they opened for a few years ago and is was somewhat obvious they were lip syncing!


The shear number of good original/cover bands out there is stunning so why the fuck is money being spent on this shite?


also does anyone know who is paying for them? they have a five day booking at the villa with free admission so i hope it aint gov money.

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Uniting the elements were dreadful.... A crap sound system that was farting and popping all over the place, the lady couldn't sing and the stage looked like a zoo display. People who put these events need to plan them and make them look good.

These straightliners lot need sacking off, dreadful bigging up of pretty standard tricks for those that can ride trial bikes, The "big" (slightly bigger than mine at home) screen is not in a central position for spectators but what does that matter when the camerman is probably operating it over the internet on a 56k modem, seems that way as he misses everything that is going on! Or it could be a woman, would hate to be sexist and leave them out of the blame.


It was a guy on the camera i saw, he just missed everything and was stood there with his rucksack on like he was waiting to do one. Very very poor. Is it Straightliners that've organised the prom "entertainment" then? Why are Duke not doing it this year? As repetitive as it was, it was ran a lot better.


Also, heard on the grapevine that Pyromaniac blew someone over the other night, no damage done, guy perfectly fine and took it in good humour, but the H&S jobsworths have sacked poor old Pyro off back to Holland. I don't know if any of that is true, as i heard it from someone who heard it from someone who, apparently, has been working down there.

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what entertainment do you expect when you have a boring old fart running D.T.L.

In fairness, he is unlikely the one to be booking the acts, nor can he be expected to be necessarily 'in touch.'


That's what he has staff for, after all.

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peel day, honda day, peel carnival, viking day. no matter what you call it, it's exactly the same shit with a selection of bands too dire to play in the local pubs. if the organisers invested more time in trying to entertain the many visitors instead of new ways to extract the cash from them, maybe more would return next year. it's also nice to see the petrol prices rise to encourage more cash from them before they leave. one more thought, well done tynwald mills shop ownersfor remaining closed on mad sunday as hundreds of visitors tried to find an escape from the hell of peel day. you must have money to burn letting all that cash head back to douglas


Peel day - an embarrasement to Peel Commisioners, as you rightly say just like the carnival etc. One observation that i couldnt get over was why were all the commisioners maintenance crew working on this day all day, what were they actually doing besides getting double time and perhaps a day in lieu. There was no need to spread this right the way along the prom with a jumble sale in the middle of it all selling complete Crap that no one on the island wants never mind someone who has to bring it back home across the water with them. One final point, why do all events outside of douglas use the same entertainers as Douglas - most people have seen these already. Russ Swift needs to retire at least from the tt entertainment, how boring?


As for the Tt entertainment- its been the same old Shite for the las t 10+ years, maybe they need to appoint someone who is into bikes and is prepared to manage the prom better with new acts etc- Ill give it ago for a fee !!!


What do you think??

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