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Creg Na Baa


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It's a bit late now, but wouldn't it be good if various places who sell food, state their prices? Presumably (could be wrong) people would opt for either the least expensive, or the best value for money meals.


With reference to being charged to walk across the land; did anyone get a receipt?

Sounds a bit of dodgy dealing if none was issued :ban:

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I was in Scotland for a bike rally last year.


There is a well known club of North East Scotland bikers who used to regularly come to the TT. I remembered them as they often went up and down the promenade in kilts and just doing the basic Jock marauding thing, so were quite well known at TT time.


When they found out I was from the Isle of Man I thought they would want a friendly chat about the TT and all that, instead they turned on me with a vengeance - for a few minutes anyway until they got a few points off their chest:


In the strongest terms possible, they told me that they would never return to the TT again. Ever.


Apparently, for years the club always used to watch from up the Creg towards Kate's Cottage, and in 2007 they were disgusted to be charged. With many other rip-offs they experienced over their stay they decided enough was enough.


The Island runs on greed they told me.


I couldn't really argue.

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It's a bit late now, but wouldn't it be good if various places who sell food, state their prices? Presumably (could be wrong) people would opt for either the least expensive, or the best value for money meals.

Plus perhaps the DTL could issue some kind of TT VFM sticker/accreditation and list them in the TT programme.

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With reference to being charged to walk across the land; did anyone get a receipt?

Sounds a bit of dodgy dealing if none was issued :ban:


Hardly, it was just a bunch of kids that didn't want to be there with a bag of money. Not only do they try to charge for accessing public land, they get kids to do the dirty work <_<


Proof it is all underhand is that the charge is only for the use of portaloos but that's all in small print. They should be made to hand all the money over to charity.

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The £2 charge for walking up the land is apparently for renting the port a loos, I told them where to go and carried on walking. I suggest you do the same.


As for parking, you can park further down the road for free, you just have to walk a bit.


I told them where to go, I didn't pay. When I said that I was not wanting to use their Portaloo, he then said it was private land. Last year they tried charging, the sign said it was for a fund to pay for picking up litter on the way up to Kate's. Yeah, right.


I intend to find out further information on this land being private.



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It certainly looks like a blatant rip off. I would have thought the Government would have supplied the portaloos?

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I would like to point out that The Creg Na Baa pub does not own this land. The Licensee of the Public house was apparently contacted by the radio this morning concerning this matter.


Paging Stu Peters - Was it Manx Radio?


I now have the names of the persons involved with the Grandstand & car parking. I am assuming that the £2 charge for access to Kate's is made by them. I am going to contact the company involved, although I think they might not volenteer the information I want.



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The owner of the Creg ny Baa pub was interviewed last week about this. He was explaining that he had nothing to do with the charging for going up towards Kate's, and that he had made substantial investment in the TT over the past few years he had owned the pub.


To be fair, he gave a good interview and explanation. £15 for the grandstand seems a bit steep though. I can imagine the conversation when they were discussing what to charge:


"How about charging a fiver then?"


"Nahh, we'll get away with a tenner . . . hell with it, we'll charge £15"

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Seems there are no public rights of way from Creg Na Baa to Kate's, it appears the land may be owned by Rose Estates managed for them by Quail & Gilbert

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In response to the Creg-ny-baa charging I would like to clarify various facts and re-iterate comments made by me on Radio TT yesterday.


As the Landlord of the Creg I have nothing to do with the adjoining fields as we only own and operate our immediate site.

As stated I am not going to comment on the rights and wrongs of the charging policy of other landowners.


On the pub site itself we erect a temporary grandstand and marquee, both of which cost thousands of pounds to construct and of course there is the cost of insurance. Therefore, as a commercial operation we charge for our grandstand to re-coup monies as does any other Grandstand operator on any circuit or venue around the world. Of course it is optional for spectators who may choose to watch from our carpark or elsewhere.


One of the main reasons for the creation of this Grandstand is that I want to maximise the experience for bikers and fans of the TT on our site( I am a biker myself and an avid fan of the TT). As a child I used sit on grandstands in the same location, and there was charging then of course, and I sought to replicate these Grandstands. So far our grandstand facilities (last year and this year) have proved very popular and long may it continue.



Where private land is concerned the relevant landowner can charge whatever levy they wish for access/entry - the operators of the fields are within their rights and have their reasons for doing so - as stated I do not want to get involved with someone elses argument!


I feel that the IOM needs to ensure that fans are offered the best experience possible with the best value for money to ensure the longevity of the TT event. It is expensive to get to the Island whether by sea or air so the last thing we need is explotation of bikers/fans when they are here.


It is good to see that our local community cares about the TT, regardless of who is right and who is wrong regarding the field charging policy.



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Calling all PROWL members


Where are you?

I am not sure as age may have wearied the brain cells but at the time Bob McIntrye and Mike Hailwood were racing on the island, i watched some of the races from the Creg, i cannot recall anyone being charged for anything other than beer and refreshments, also i cannot recall there having been any hikes in prices either by the steam packet or anyone else. Times have changed since then, there were i think 8 vessels on service through out the summer season and the crossing from Liverpool took 4 hours.

Hope i havent given my age away.

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