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Saints Row 2


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It's an 'unusually pompous' attack, apparently :D




I see Saints Row and GTA as being really quite different beasts, I've absolutely loved GTA4 to pieces (about 60 hours in now and working towards 100% completion), really enjoyed Saints Row before that, and am very much looking forward to Saints Row 2 as well.


As for the advert, quite amusing IMO, and they do have a point, by the time you've completed story mode and are just mopping up all the side missions and car thefts and suchlike, it's very difficult to be arsed to go bowling and playing pool and suchlike, the only reason I'll be doing any of that again is because it's needed for 100% completion.


I just hope they've got a kick-ass 3D engine for Saints Row 2, the first one wasn't really that fantastic, but then again there was nothing to compare it to, GTA4 has properly raised he bar on that one now.

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I can't believe that a topic about Saints Row 2 is at the top of the manx gaming forum with Metal Gear Solid 4 out tomorrow........


Ok it doesn't help that I've posted in here.


Manx gamers you should be a shamed of yourselfs :P

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I can't believe that a topic about Saints Row 2 is at the top of the manx gaming forum with Metal Gear Solid 4 out tomorrow........


Ok it doesn't help that I've posted in here.


Manx gamers you should be a shamed of yourselfs :P


Ahhh yes, Metal Gear Solid, the 'game' where you just watch hours of fucking cutscenes. They should call it a day and just accept it's not really a game at all any more.


You do know MGS4 contains INDIVIDUAL 'feature length' cutscenes, don't you?


EGM refused to review it 'cause Konami wanted to gag them when it came to talking about the cutscenes and yet another mandatory PS3 multi-gig install:




The jury is out as to whether or not it's just one initial installation, or extra installations as you progress through the game.....

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Ahhh yes, Metal Gear Solid, the 'game' where you just watch hours of fucking cutscenes. They should call it a day and just accept it's not really a game at all any more.


Gave up on mgs years ago with the stupid half hour long telephone conversations, dull dull dull.


I enjoyed Saints Row, nice if predictable plot and lots of fun, and am deffo looking forward to the next one. They're making a fair point about bowling/pool/comedy club/tv, it's not exactly gangsta!

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yeah agreed, thought saints row was a blast, really enjoyed the fact you could get a couple of guys ( or girls ) in a posse, and start dishing out mayhem, will definately be buying the second one...


As for MGS4, will be getting it, but not immediately, will probably wait for a trade in copy to appear. :P

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I think i'll get SR2, i never bought the first one but it looks alot like GTA SA, I think the new GTA is pretty dissapointing really, like it says on that trailer who really wants to watch TV while playing a game! San Andreas was cool, good storyline and some good gameplay but GTA IV is all graphics and no trousers :D

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trailer makes a lot of good points actually!! i have the first one sitting unopened next to my xbox (just havnt had a chance to play it yet, GTA has been taking up all my time haha) will give it a blast after GTA though it might be shite compared to that

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