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Wii Fit


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Sounds like someone it trying to make a killing because of a stock shortage.


There will be loads of cheap ones on ebay over the coming months, the novelty will be wearing off for many by now


Don't think there will be a big rush to sell; most people seem to like the Wii Fit, and use it regular. Why, because you can yoga and the likes in your front room with the blinds shut, and nobody sees what a big twit you look.


Mrs Titanic has already clocked up 24 hours on the Wii Fit, and looking a lot fitter for it too. She has all the bikes, steppers etc in the past, but they have been 9 day wonders.


It might be an expensive upside-down white teatray, but it has got a lot more people off the couch than previous exercise fads.


You might have to wait a while for that el-cheapo Wii fit

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  • 5 months later...
I'm a little confused over the wii fit. I've seen one advertised for £120. Is this a standalone item or does it come with a wii. I have a wii already.

no it doesn't come with a wii console, it is just a novel controller with a few fun games/tasks bundled with it. the new shaun white snowborder game is the first game i've seen that actually uses the board as a controller in a 'proper' game. i only paid 60 or 70 quid for mine when they first came out, but maybe the newer ones are different somehow as the retail price seems a bit higher. but anyone wanting more than 90 quid is ripping off needy people.

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Went into game saturday to trade a few games in, there was one Wii Fit behind the counter, casually asked when more were due in, expecting that one to be taken, the lovely assistant told me i could have it, someone came down for it and left without taking it and it had been an hour, all for just £69.99, well chuffed.


Gamesmaster in Ramsey had them in last night, about a dozen, all pre-ordered, but its worth ringing and asking anyway as someone always opts out, hence me getting mine.

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