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New Bishop


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From Manx Radio


The new bishop is now amongst us and will be shortly taking his seat on the Legislative Council and joining Tynwald.


One of his first occasions will be Tynwald Day itself with all the pomp, circumstance, preening and posturing that that day entails.


The Bishop will be thrust into the thick of our lives and will have a vote on the Legislative Council and in Tynwald. It is 'only' one vote, but that is enough to completely change the direction of the will of the people we have elected to represent us in the House of Keys.


I listened to last Sunday's Manx Radio's Opinion Programme and the following Mannin Line, featuring the Bishop. The only thing that stuck out in my mind was his jovial telling of what "an expert" was. Personally, I think the Bishop will be running very short of joviality once he realises how we do things over here.

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I listened to last Sunday's Manx Radio's Opinion Programme and the following Mannin Line, featuring the Bishop. The only thing that stuck out in my mind was his jovial telling of what "an expert" was. Personally, I think the Bishop will be running very short of joviality once he realises how we do things over here.

I though he sounded like someone the church wanted to relegate to a long-forgotten backwater, i.e. a useless waste of space. Shame you can't put him on the boat to Fleetwood and leave him there. Who needs a Bishop anyway?

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From Manx Radio


The new bishop is now amongst us and will be shortly taking his seat on the Legislative Council and joining Tynwald.


One of his first occasions will be Tynwald Day itself with all the pomp, circumstance, preening and posturing that that day entails.


The Bishop will be thrust into the thick of our lives and will have a vote on the Legislative Council and in Tynwald. It is 'only' one vote, but that is enough to completely change the direction of the will of the people we have elected to represent us in the House of Keys.


I listened to last Sunday's Manx Radio's Opinion Programme and the following Mannin Line, featuring the Bishop. The only thing that stuck out in my mind was his jovial telling of what "an expert" was. Personally, I think the Bishop will be running very short of joviality once he realises how we do things over here.



Sorry but I can't see the relevance of 2000 year old middle-eastern fairy tales and their professsional believers to the laws of the IOM. Why should a bishop have an official post and yet a rabbi or yogi or druid (or for that matter a Jedi Master) does not?

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Sorry but I can't see the relevance of 2000 year old middle-eastern fairy tales and their professsional believers to the laws of the IOM. Why should a bishop have an official post and yet a rabbi or yogi or druid (or for that matter a Jedi Master) does not?


Bananarama would have more relevance than that twerp.

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Many things are wrong, this is just another. Do you think if I became a BAC & took to 'the cloth' I would make it to be Bishop. Maybe they should have a TV prog about it, Jeehad in your eyes or Reverend makers, first who gets to be Bishop wins.

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Many things are wrong, this is just another. Do you think if I became a BAC & took to 'the cloth' I would make it to be Bishop. Maybe they should have a TV prog about it, Jeehad in your eyes or Reverend makers, first who gets to be Bishop wins.


"I'm a Bishop, Get Me Out of Here"



"The God Factor"



- tune in to Chan 4 this evening to catch the latest going on in the Big Bishop house,

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Matty, we could be onto something here. Bless you my child.


"Isle of Man's Next Super Bishop" :)

Shame we can't lock him up with Bernard Moffat - see who lasts longest.

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Bashing The Bishop :D


The arrest of two top Church of England bishops following a wild midnight party at the Bishop of Bournemouth's palace, has blown the lid on the rock and roll lifestyles of Britain's new breed of young clergy.

Responding to complaints from local residents in the sleepy Bournemouth suburb of Christchurch, Dorset police found the Bishop of Newbury, the Right Reverend Cornelius Steel, urinating in a neighbour's garden pond - when arrested he claimed merely to be blessing the fishes, telling police: "I'm so bloody devout I piss holy water".

His host, Dr Tom Bone, Bishop of Bournemouth, was apprehended as he ran naked (save for his mitre) through a local park, shouting "Jesus loves you, but I just want a quick shag" at passers-by.

Whilst police at first suspected that Dr Bone was under the influence of drugs, tests proved negative.

"He claimed he was merely high on the love of God and infused with the Holy Spirit," commented a police spokesperson. "In answer to allegations that he had sexually assaulted five of his neighbours, three female and two male, his only defence was that Jesus had told us all to 'Love thy neighbour'!"

Whilst the Church of England refuses to comment on lurid press stories of an orgy involving a dozen or more bishops at the Bishop's palace that night, consuming gallons of communion wine and snorting communion wafers, local residents have been less reticent.

"House of God? More like a bloody Palace of Sin," comments seventy three year old Sid Pointer, who lives opposite Dr Bone's official residence. "They come screaming in and out of there in their flash motors, gold jewellery dripping off of them, trophy wives in the passenger seats - it's a bloody disgrace!" Pointer also notes the large number of women priests ordained by Dr Bone, many of them former topless glamour models.

Other locals have told of how the Bishops of Bournemouth and Hornchurch raced to the local cathedral in their sports cars one Sunday morning, with the victor winning the privilege of taking a live televised morning service. The race culminated with the Bishop of Bournemouth losing control of his Ferrari at the last minute and wrapping it around a lampost. The Bishop of Hornchurch, meanwhile, proceeded to crash his Porsche through the cathedral's main doors, skidding along the main nave before colliding with the font.

"He climbed from the wreckage clutching an electric guitar and proceeded to give his 'sermon' - a very poor rendition of the guitar solo from Led Zeppelin's 'Black Dog'", says local housewife Lucy Turgood. "Of course, the Bishop of Bournemouth claimed that the Bishop of Hornchurch had deliberately forced him off the road - they had a massive fist fight in the vestry!"

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We must stop with all this Bishop bashing young ones. Bernard Moffat for bishop? No no he is too old, what they need is a woman bishop, a reformed character, me for bishop! I'm nice enough (sometimes) and I would give entertaining sermons.

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Considering he is Bishop of Sodor and Mann and wishes to bring back past traditions, I would like him to consider that he should bring back the Isle of Sodor that he also presides over so we could have a bridge and break the steam packet monopoly as shown:-




And as we see from the Geography of Sodor we have a lot in common,


Sodor is much larger than Man. It is shown as roughly diamond-shaped, 62 miles wide east to west and 51 miles long north to south. Its northwest coast is separated from the Isle of Man by a sea strait called the Sudrian Sea, four miles (6 km) wide. Its northeast edge overrides and replaces the real Walney Island.


The place names on Sodor are mostly a mixture of Manx and Norse. The island's language is Sudric, though like Manx, this is falling out of use. It has various small industrial sites, including a prosperous stone quarry served by the island's railway. Its highest mountain is Culdee Fell, . The summit is reached by the Culdee Fell Railway.


The ancient capital of Sodor is the 'city' of Suddery but Tidmouth has grown to be the largest town on the island. One of the more famous settlements on Sodor is Ffarquhar, the terminus of Thomas the Tank Engine's Branch Line.


Should we get this back there will be more room for housing and we can have a second TT course and a bloody big campsite for all the tourists.


So I say bring Sodor back to us Bishy boyo :thumbsup:

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I listened to him on the Sunday pre-Mannin line programme this week. He inferred that as he had been selected by the prime minister he had been effectively 'democratically elected'. Tony Blair/Gordon Broon's cronies got in with 22% of the available vote and 33% of the actual turnout. Democracy my arse.


Religion and politics don't mix in my view. Tynwald should vote to take away his vote IMO - but to be polite, simply let him still attend and have his say.

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