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Where is the smiley or the 'lol'?


Why should there be one? You can read and presumably understand words. To ask someone to include smiley is a crappy little thing to do, because those little shites steal all meaning from a post and turn the forum into an un-thought out gurn-fest. There've been "Manx" fourms for the best part of a decade now and surely it is patent to all but the thickest of the thick that these cruddy little facial tics disfigure meaning and lead to sloppiness and should be banned.


I would put it to you that only the 'thickest of the thick' would not see the use for using emoticons. If you use the internet for a business like manner then no, you probably wouldn't use them, still does not mean you shouldn't understand why people use them, which I imagine you do really know, you are just trying to come across in a harsh/sarcastic/humours way I would hope.


Others use it for a social use. Are you telling me you walk round with a strait face all day, not expressing a smile or any other emotion when you are partaking in your daily activities?


Words do not always express the thought in the correct way, so anything which further expresses our thoughts can only be a good thing. Consider - "You are an idiot." and "You are an idiot :P " Can you see the difference between the two? One is harsh, the other is in a light hearted way.


I agree yes that they are overused in some areas, but that's hardly a reason for the other areas not to use them. I'm sure I do not need to remind you that this forum isn't one based only on serious thought and discussion, but rather a more generally social environment when not everything that is being said has to be said in a stern and serious manor.


As I said, I'm sure your fully aware of what I said. Perhaps you said it in a sarcastic way, I don't know, perhaps you should have included a smiley or a 'LOL' at the end?


edit: I feel very much like I have 'taken the bait'.

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See I see it the other way round. "You are an idiot", could be mean in a lighthearted way or a sarcastic way or in an insulting way. It depends on the context it is used in. This is not a difficult problem to get around - we do it all the time.


"You are an idiot :P " on the other hand, is more ambigious. What does the smiley mean? "I'm joking", or "I mean it and I stick out my furry tongue at you?". To me it seems contemptous, and not lighthearted.


Words have meanings, you can look them up in dictionaries. But what does -


:rolleyes: mean - when people use that to "I agree with you - the World's Mad" or "I disagree with you and think you're potty" or somethign else.


(continued on next post...there's a limit on the number of smiley buggers you can use in a post, which is a start I suppose)

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Completely fair do's. Although I think it's just a 'generation' thing. I think it's the difference between how different generations have learned to use the internet and what they think it is for. For me, it is a more natural thing, I would expect a smiley to express further the way in which a post in presented. I can totally see though the ambiguity if it's questioned directly at me. Further more, I don't really want to get into a 'deep' discussion as to the use of emoticons. I agree that they are used too much in a few situations, but a :P here and there is fairly harmful, unless on a serious debate obviously...

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Oh pleaseeee, a full stop with a silly gob on? Stop trying to jump on the band wagon.


If you must, take a read of this clickyclicky


What is wrong with the English language?...........How can Sesame Street computer splats improve it?


Just because a computer icon can can express your thoughts better than you can yourself, why should others accept this as an alternative language ? ;)

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Well smiley's are fairly universal, you do a smiley to rest the of the world, they know what your basic instinct. You don't have to accept it as an alternative, merely an additive. I don't see how Sesame Street comes into it, although I never got into sesame street....

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No, smileys are much wider range then that, you know, if you smile at someone, no matter what language they speak, they see it as a smile, a sign of goodness, that's what I mean by universal, not a language only spoke by 'estimated at between 100,000 and 2 million speakers'.


Do you really not see the arguments I have been putting across?

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No, right now i'm Daniel with wine and rum....but at the start of it I was Daniel without any alcohol, and before you speculate i'm a student :P one business studies exam and two philosophy exams and i'll be done with A-Levels and ready to move on to Uni.....

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I get home from work knackered after a busy night and log on to MF hoping to find out how some unlucky chap ended up at the bottom of the Marine Drive this week


All I get is some weird stuff about offshore companies followed by more bollox about nothing in particular


Does anybody know who fell off the cliff, what he was doing to fall off the cliff ?


Far to late to be going for gull's eggs so we can rule that out

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