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National Staff Dismissal Register


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We hear many complaints about government and its agencies keeping files on private citizens, and there are always plenty of people ready to compare it with the Orwellian nightmare revealed in '1984.'

Now, however, there is a privately-run register that "will hold details of individuals who have been under investigation for acts of dishonesty."

Note that "...been under investigation for..."




Harrods and Selfridges are among two of Britain's best known high street businesses to have signed up to a controversial database for blacklisted staff that could affect the careers of three million workers.

Under the privately run scheme, the names and personal details of former employees whose behaviour has offended the companies will be placed on the newly created National Staff Dismissal Register.

While some employees whose crimes are prosecuted in court will have a chance to defend themselves, other staff may never know their behaviour has found its way on to the register or that they have become a blacklisted worker.


Kerry Waters, an employment rights expert at Clarions Solicitors, said that the register was potentially "wide open to abuse, with little detail being provided by the Action Against Business Crime Group as to how (or even whether at all) the register will be policed or monitored."

She warned that one "minor blip" on someone's record "could wreak havoc with their career".


I'm sure there are those who will welcome the idea of being able to ignore the potentially 'bad' candidates for employment this way, but it really does appear wide open to potential abuse. It merely requires a supervisor or manager with a grudge against someone and that person can suddenly find him/herself virtually unemployable.

Having once had my own employment record tampered with by a civil servant who disliked me, I know full well what the consequences of this kind of action can be and, quite honestly, this kind of 'register' horrifies me.

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