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Press Investigation


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Investgative Reporters and a Photograper from the Times Newspaper are on the Island for the next couple of days to do a follow up on the CM scandal. They have been contacting anyone that was involved with the building work at Ballacain and several MHKs.

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Its the News of the World you need...lots of vague but 'Sensational and exclusive!!' sex scandals, based on evidence from a drunken 'comeover' that was sure he saw a bespecaled man, sporting a moustache this time last monday leaving, a seedy lap dancing club completly off his face.

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Looks like Crumlins posts cant get past the Mods.

But I can Confirm that the Following press are on the Island, The Irish Independant, Times, BBC Wales and a Southern Irish TV news Channel, they have been making requests for interviews from anyone that is involved with Ned and other matters regarding Island politics.


And I also hear that the Guardian are back on the Island. Something must be hotting up for so much interest being given by the UK Press

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Had the police called on me last night, visiting a friend in these cottages, and because my number plate says something about IOM Photography, we recieved a knock on the door from two policemen asking if I was press from across!



Are you working for the UK press. And why would the police want to know if you were. Or is it in the lease you can live here as long as you like but cant have visitors

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Cheers Slim, No Crumlin I am not working for the press, however, had I thought of it before the visit from the police, I might of taken a few snaps, get some good money from the broadsheets.


I dont know why the police were asking me about being press or not, as far as I can see, it would be nothing to do with them if I was.

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Maybe they'd had a complaint about one reporter/photographer in particular and happened to pass your car, thought they'd check it out.

I could imagine that some journalists would be really pushy and annoying, especially if they had the view that everyone should bow to them because they're from London.


Just a thought.

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Maybe they had a complaint that the homes were not being let as approved, It seems that the two cottages are being let on a long lease, one to a factory worker and the other to a roofer paying £1000 each per month. Another breach in planning, you would thing that Ned would of learned his lesson by now, after the loss of his job. but no he just does what he wants to do.


The press were at Ballacain yesterday and interviewed the tennants of the cottages.

Tennants/ visitors are they both the same. :rolleyes:

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