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Friday 13th

When Skies Are Grey

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Having just watched the latest Derren Brown episode and with today being a Friday 13th, I was wondering about people's superstitions....


Do you have any unusual ones?

Have any of them had impact on your lives?


My mother is the world champion of odd superstitions - when she smoked she would never take the 'third light', wouldn't pass on the stairs, wouldn't pass you a knife etc. She is also terrified of thunder and during thunderstorms she would put a tea-towel over mirrors as 'they attract lightning' and would also open the front and back doors of the house 'so that the lightning can pass through'.


Her most irrational superstition is that one day a week she spends a couple of hours chanting and talking to some imaginary being because of a half-baked belief that if she does this she won't have to undergo eternal torture after she dies!

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Pah - superstitions - all rubbish & humbug dating to times long gone.


Anyroads, I'll just pop to the shop for ciggies - back in a sec...













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Just a few of my sillly superstitions, passed down from mother to daughter through a few generations.

Never put up an umberella in tne house.

Never cross on the stairs.

Never put new shoes on a table.

When you spot a white horse look for a haystack to bring you good luck.

Never walk under a ladder.

Don't walk on pavement cracks.

Only some of my family's paranoia. I could have gone on and on, but I don't want to inflict anymore on you good folk.


Good luck.

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