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Scotland To Raise Drink-buying Age


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All it will do is criminalise a lot more people - people will always get hold of booze if they want it. The real problem is the 12-17 year olds who already get hold of it easily, and tightening up existing legislation to stop that. More half-baked catch and criminalise all solutions, instead of dealing with the real issues.


What a country - you can fight and die for it under 21, but are not deemed responsible enough to buy four cans of lager to have at home. FFS!

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They're not going to stop kids drinking like that. Kids have too much money nowadays.


Mindblowing idea, putting a minimum price on booze - kick the poorest section of society where it hurts most, and give the richest section vastly inflated profits. Why kick everyone just because of the actions of a minority?

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Mindblowing idea, putting a minimum price on booze - kick the poorest section of society where it hurts most, and give the richest section vastly inflated profits. Why kick everyone just because of the actions of a minority?

More tax for Gordon feckin Broon and NuShite to waste. It'll all fall through with any luck, especially as Broon and his cronies are not very good at organising anything that involves piss-ups and breweries.

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Mindblowing idea, putting a minimum price on booze - kick the poorest section of society where it hurts most, and give the richest section vastly inflated profits. Why kick everyone just because of the actions of a minority?

More tax for Gordon feckin Broon and NuShite to waste. It'll all fall through with any luck, especially as Broon and his cronies are not very good at organising anything that involves piss-ups and breweries.

Did you even read the article? It isn't Labour that are doing this, it's the SNP.


This could be an interesting experiment at least. I've advocated having a lower drinking in pubs age myself on here, though I don't really agree with raising the overall drinking age.


Near the bottom is the real problem: Hysteria. 'Vivian Nathanson, the British Medical Association’s head of ethics, said Westminster should follow Scotland’s lead. “Our concern is not just about those aged 18 to 21 drinking excessively, it is about children as young as 13 who say they have favourite alcopops.”'


There is nothing wrong with thirteen year-olds having favourite alcopops, what is bad is that this is perceived to represent gross social deviancy. I've often said that the core of the issue is that we treat alcohol as a forbidden fruit: All the education around it isn't about sensible consumption, but instead focuses on demonising it, then when you reach 18 its okay. This is not a mature approach.


Anyway, methinks Scottish Universities are going to see a sudden decline in non-Scottish applicants.

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Mindblowing idea, putting a minimum price on booze - kick the poorest section of society where it hurts most, and give the richest section vastly inflated profits. Why kick everyone just because of the actions of a minority?

More tax for Gordon feckin Broon and NuShite to waste. It'll all fall through with any luck, especially as Broon and his cronies are not very good at organising anything that involves piss-ups and breweries.

Did you even read the article? It isn't Labour that are doing this, it's the SNP.

I did funny enough. Due to devolution and taxation setting rules, any money generated from this will end up in the hands of the NuShite government - and so I believe Broon will naturally support this - and then push it through Westminster IMO (to which the article also refers). Labour only have one seat less than the SNP, so their help is likely to be required to get it through (I can't believe it will be a unanimous SNP decision). Personally, I don't give a fig what happens in Scotland, it's when it affects me I get bothered - and that's here and when I'm working in England.

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I'm so happy for you Herr Tootlack, its just so hard to take you seriously when you use infantile terms like 'Broon' and 'NuShite.'

Try paying extortionate UK tax rates now and again, and see what you call Gordon and his cronies. The current date from January in the financial year until you actually start earning anything for yourself under that regime is August 18th.


I'm not bothered if you personally take me seriously or not - this is a relatively free speech based forum, though I do not appreciate or find warranted any German (Nazi) inferences and find such offensive, but if you choose to use such 'infantile' terms yourself then that's your choice and your own 'credibility'.

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Try paying extortionate UK tax rates now and again, and see what you call Gordon and his cronies. The current date from January in the financial year until you actually start earning anything for yourself under that regime is August 18th.


And that's all Labour is it? The UK tax system was completely different under the conservatives?


It must be so easy supporting an unelectable party Albert. You get to slag everything without any worries that the bollocks policies your candidates put forward will ever be put to the test.

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Try paying extortionate UK tax rates now and again, and see what you call Gordon and his cronies. The current date from January in the financial year until you actually start earning anything for yourself under that regime is August 18th.


And that's all Labour is it? The UK tax system was completely different under the conservatives?


It must be so easy supporting an unelectable party Albert. You get to slag everything without any worries that the bollocks policies your candidates put forward will ever be put to the test.

WTF? What party do I support?

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They're not going to stop kids drinking like that. Kids have too much money nowadays.


Mindblowing idea, putting a minimum price on booze - kick the poorest section of society where it hurts most, and give the richest section vastly inflated profits. Why kick everyone just because of the actions of a minority?


An interesting idea that deserves more exploration. If you think it is only the 13 – 17 year olds that cause this problem then I suggest you take a walk down Strand Street and Friday or Saturday night around midnight.


A minimum price per unit is one interesting proposition but I am not sure how it would ever work in practice – we have already seen the increase in cheap booze and fags from mainland Europe in response to higher UK taxation so whilst a noble thought, I am more inclined to agree that the real answer lies (somehow) in moving our culture away from binge drinking.

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I think this is a bad policy as it does not address the behavioural problem. Off the top of my head I'd say the behavioural problem is two fold - firstly people of all ages drinking to excess; but also doing it in a public place where their behaviour feeds into a general atmosphere that loutish behaviour is acceptable.


Buying alchohol from an off licence has only a tenuous connection with these issues. In fact licenced premises are far more problematic as bar crawling (and closing time) is a significant factor in putting drunk people out into the streets to puke, fight and be lewd.


Obviously young kids congregating at the bus stop or up at the local "rec" to get pissed on alcopops and cider is a problem; but to be honest concentrating on that and ignoring the bigger problems isn't going to solve anything. Making drinking in public, after being warned not to do so, would be far more effective, but that [cynic] would require the state to be involved in addressing the issue rather than bureaucratically passing the buck to someone not actually responsible for the problem![/cynic]


Also I find the idea that a squaddy returning a war to get married to his beau will be unable to buy the champagne for their reception farcical.

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