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[reuters Uk] Uk To Send Xtra Troops To Afghanistan


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Reuters News


Well, this is one way of keeping in with the President of the United States.


Blair kicked it all off and Gordon Brown is keeping it going. What on earth is going on?

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Well yes, I do appreciate that. Maybe Gordon Brown is to take on the whole world, Zimbabwe next.


I shouldn't be surprised if all this stirs up more terrorist activity. The stated goals are simply are not being achieved.


Over 100 British soldiers dead.

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Britain has a long history of fighting disastrous wars in Afghanistan and no foreign power has ever won a war in the region.


1st Anglo Afghan war (1839 to 1842) = retreat from Kabul. 1 Briton survived


2nd Anglo Afghan war (1843 to 1880) = 2nd retreat from Kabul


3rd Anglo Afghan war (1919 to 1921) = independence of Afghanistan


Some people would probably think it was crazy to get involved there !

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They are fighting on the Afghans' side this time though.


It may seem a bit callous, but one hundred dead isn't that large a number considering the extent of what has been a six and a half year campaign.


The Taliban are broken as an effective force, Al-Qaeda can no longer operate within the country, economic dependence on the cultivation of opium poppies is beginning to end, female attendence at schools is way up (albeit from zero).


Hardly a lack of achievement.

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They are fighting on the Afghans' side this time though ... The Taliban are broken as an effective force etc


Afghanistan is entirely tribal - tribal allegiances constantly change. In all previous Afghan wars different factions have been sometimes for, sometimes against, the foreign powers. And often also at war with each other. It's mostly about money apparently. It seems unlikely that this will change in the short term or the long term. Some say that paying them for their opium production (for medical use) would help buy co operation. Instead of burning their crops.

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Reuters News


Well, this is one way of keeping in with the President of the United States.


Blair kicked it all off and Gordon Brown is keeping it going. What on earth is going on?


anwer aftab


This is all due to surplus funds, i personally feel there might be a budget surplus, so necessary to spend it that's why they are sending more troops and weapons to Afghanistan. I hope you will think on it and ascertain more correct answer then mine. ok bye


anwer aftab

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Some people would probably think it was crazy to get involved there !

Including the relatives of fourteen and a half thousand Russians that died there in the 1980s.


anwer aftab


you are not thinking of afghan people that how many they died since russian occupation, they are definitely in millions, please also think for those people

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Wars make money they also keep the population down a bit.


very cruel approach, you are definitely sitting far from war region, so your thinking is very much relaxed, ask the history, what the benefit people get from two world wars, ask the japanese about it, and also now ask with normal afghani, pakistani, kashmiri and many others in different regions and states, please pray for end of all wars, humanity may live in peace and harmony




anwer aftab

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