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25% Increase In Line Rental?


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I can’t see this covered anyplace on the Forum – today I got a letter from Manx Telecom telling me that from 1st July they are going to increase my line rental costs by what seems like 25.3% (from £7.09/month to £9.50/month). If I don’t allow them to take my money by Direct Debit that will cost me another £1 a month and if I will not accept a bill via e-mail another 50p a month.

No choice, but I can pay more if I wish!

Am I unfair in being critical of this monopoly or should I just be happy with their way of extracting money from me?


Do our folk who can’t or don’t wish to use the computer (Windows OS only for the bill decoder) have to take on board these extra costs, just so that MT can make more profit; no mention of the post office who will loose the bill paying business.

I will be interested in your views.



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If it’s true, cheeky MF’s.

Can’t compete in the mobile market so screw the land lines where there is no competition (is there?).

Sh1te service, sh1te prices. In fact, Sh1te!


Go on, someone please tell me MT haven’t put their prices up for x years, but hey everywhere else in the world they are coming down because of the free market.


Of course, if it’s a rumour, god bless ‘em !



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Yeah I got that nice glossy brochure the other day - it seems really cheeky for MT to charge extra if you don't go direct debit and e-billing. By all means reduce costs for customers who decide to take them up on the new services (after all, it then costs MT less to service those accounts), but penalising people who can't or won't seems out of order to me. (My in-laws for example don't have the internet, and don't like direct debits after some monumental cock ups by the bank a few years ago, so they'll have to pay extra on that basis alone.)


Having had a look at the new charge structure, you'd have to be a pretty heavy user to see any cost savings out of the changes, and for Mr Average, you'll have to sign up for direct debit and e-billing just to stay the same at the end of the month (if that).


4.5p per minute during the day to local fixed lines is taking the piss too, you have to go Island Choice (£3 extra per month) to get that down to 3p, and Global Choice (£8 extra per month) to get them free. Since the cost to MT for these calls is essentially zero since they never leave their own network, it'd be nice if they'd decided to do a bit more for the local community.


However, despite all that, being all modern and fancy and stuff - I decided to sign up over the weekend and got the following message.


Tried it again just now and it's still doing the same, quality :D


I'll give MT Customer Services a call when I can be arsed.


But yes, overall, it'll be interesting what people see as the overall effect on their bills - I'm guessing that for most folks, it's going to end up costing more.


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I don't use my landline at all at home (in fact, I don't even have telephones plugged in anymore).


I'd like to see an internet only service, with the option of paying online for it. I'm not signing up to DD, the only funds I leave in my bank account are for mortgage and bank charges, unless I need to order something online (in which case, I'll transfer funds over from my savings account. Everything else gets paid in cash, usually at the post office (gas, electric, telephone, rates etc).


Come on MT, play fair eh.

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Having had a look at the new charge structure, you'd have to be a pretty heavy user to see any cost savings out of the changes, and for Mr Average, you'll have to sign up for direct debit and e-billing just to stay the same at the end of the month (if that).


A lot of older folk will probably have some idea of direct debit but won't have a clue what e-billing is. Infact lots won't even have a computer or is this what they are hoping for so they can charge them more?

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Companies charging extra for people not wishing to pay by DD isn't just confined to MT. British Gas, and BT were on Watchdog for doing the same.


In fact I think BT backed down after getting that many complaints, and have introduced a "basic" package for people not wishing to pay by DD, but if you are on a higher package and don't want to use DD you will still be charged more.


It's a win win situation for these companies. If everyone used DD it would save them money, but if people choose to pay by other means, they are still making money out it!

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I've got no issue with the option of e-billing but as House said, you should be rewarded for reducing MT's costs in that sense, not penalised for it.


I'd happily take the eco option for a 50p cut (and let's face it, it'll cost them more than that to send you a paper bill through the post, the postage being 30p alone).

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I'd like to see an internet only service, with the option of paying online for it. I'm not signing up to DD, the only funds I leave in my bank account are for mortgage and bank charges, unless I need to order something online (in which case, I'll transfer funds over from my savings account. Everything else gets paid in cash, usually at the post office (gas, electric, telephone, rates etc).


Come on MT, play fair eh.


They have a low user service, at £12 a qtr, but you're not allowed broadband on it, probably to prevent people getting one and doing voip.

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Yeah sorry, I should have clarified that, I'd want an internet only broadband service.


I've got no interest in VOIP, if I need to make a call (locally) I'll use my mobile. If I need to speak to people online, that can be done with MSN.


EDIT: I'm not even fussed about getting the 8Meg service tbh, I've had the footy on tonight, BBC1 on the telly and the live stream for BBC3 on t'internet - works just fine.

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Would i be stupid in thinking that you would be looking for something like wimax Mission? I dont know a great deal about it but as i thought this technology would mean a wifi mast put in an area that was capable of producing alot of traffic to subscribers without the need for the last mile of telco cable.


I remember reading about something a few years ago and i am not sure if i got it all wrong but it sounded great at the time and i though Wimanx would be rolling this out to us normal folks (i think they do buis connections in Douglas like this.)


On the other hand i could be getting this confused with fact and fiction.

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I've got no issue with the option of e-billing but as House said, you should be rewarded for reducing MT's costs in that sense, not penalised for it.


I'd happily take the eco option for a 50p cut (and let's face it, it'll cost them more than that to send you a paper bill through the post, the postage being 30p alone).


I'm all in favour of eco options - however, sending out a mail shot of glossy brochures to all their landline customers, informing us that we'll be now paying extra to help the environment seems a tad ironic. Coincidental that I get this on the same day I have no 3G network due to a fault on their network - again :angry: I've never had call to complain to MT & have always been happy with their service - but lately it's been sporadic at times & I certainly don’t rely heavily on the delivery of my SMS. If it doesn’t get any better & number portability becomes a reality towards the end of the year (their words, not mine) I will seriously consider moving over. If the MEA (god knows I can’t stand dealing with them & wish there was an alternative) had 2 power cuts a month, the sh*t would hit the fan & people wouldn’t accept the level of service. Ooh rant over. Apologies for going a little off topic :D

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I don't like an increase in any bills but I can see where it comes from. The rising cost of electricity, fuel for their vehicles and inflation pay rises for their staff has to be made up from somewhere.

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Umm, I pay my landline by direct debit but I ring them with my card details for paying my mobile bill. What next? mobile bills will be going up unless you pay by direct debit.

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