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Large Amiga Collection For Sale

nathan wind

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This is a few years worth and many hundreds of pounds worth of collecting, but I just don't have the time for it all any more :( .


Hardware-wise, it consists of an Amiga 500, boxed in good condition with the TV modulator and the half meg memory upgrade (making it a 1meg machine), an unboxed Amiga 1200, in good condition with a 4meg memory upgrade, internal hard drive and a rare SCSI CDROM interface with a CDROM drive so you can play CD32 games on it/run later OS versions etc. Manuals. Power supplies. A couple of meeces, a few joysticks and various cables including a bespoke SCART lead.


Software-wise, there are a couple of boxes of 'back-up' games and various pieces of other software. A complete set of official Workbench discs for the A1200 to be loaded onto its hard disc so it boots straight from that (I might have installed them already - it's so long since I've used it, I can't remember!). A couple of copies of Relokick to allow the A1200 to play games made for lower end systems. On top of that there are a load of boxed retail games including some specific AGA games for the 1200 (superior graphics and sound) and loads of classics like Cannon Fodder, Settlers and Alien Breed.


It's a right old haul for someone interested in the Amiga, and the 1200 is still a very capable machine for an enthusiast.


£80 for the lot.




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Must. Resist.


Screw it. Do you know what model and manufacturer the hard drive is. There's a reason for me asking this :)

I'm afraid not. I know it's only quite small - around 300mb maybe....


I was intending on re-housing it in a tower with a large hard disk and getting it accelerated and running OS3.5, but there's no way I'll get around to all that now. I can open the case and have a look on the HDD label if you need to know that badly.


Edit - The RAM expansion card in the A1200 has a socket on board for an FPU accelerator I think.


Edit edit - I'd trade the lot for a reasonable Atari ST bundle.

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But, but, Canon Fodder etc!!! Hope it goes to a good home.


Was it an Amiga or an ST you gave me a while ago? Can have it back if you like.


Also - you need your gift. It's 'the manual'....

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But, but, Canon Fodder etc!!! Hope it goes to a good home.


Was it an Amiga or an ST you gave me a while ago? Can have it back if you like.


Also - you need your gift. It's 'the manual'....


It was an Amiga 600 I gave you. No ta, keep it. I'ma just emulate on the PC from now on, I suspect. I'll maybe pick up a few consoles, or perhaps an ST but Amiga's require more time than I have spare these days.

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  • 1 year later...

Thread necromancy!


Right, the A1200 and CD drive are long gone now, but the A500 and all the games/leads/joysticks etc. seen above are still here and still gathering dust sooooooooooo......


It works, I tried it t'other day to check. I can't guarantee which disks will work and which won't as there are so many, but for the bargain price to shift the lot, there's more than enough to work through - it'll keep you occupied for hours if not decades.


£20 to a good home for the lot.


I don't want anyone buying it to stick on eBay, I want it to be used and enjoyed.


Also, see that black carry case down on the bottom shelf, right next to the blue gym ball? That there contains an N64 with the RAM pack upgrade, a controller, memory pack and a bunch of games(9 or so, I think - I'll list them all when I've had a proper look) including the classic Jet Force Gemini. What it doesn't have is an AV lead - you can pick these up for next to nothing on eBay, or if you have a SNES with a SCART lead, that'll work on it.


Bearing in mind the lack of that lead, I'm only after a tenner for the lot. An utter bargain. Or take the N64 and Amiga stuff (i.e. empty my shelves) for £25.

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Well impressed with the n64, thanks

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