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Jools Holland


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I would have loved to see him but after the last few gigs at the Villa where the sound has been absolutely shite I've refused to waste any more money there. They've never managed to get the sound right in the Villa IMHO. I'm not pointing the finger at the guys in the FOH desk but more at the sound design in the place. Far too bassy downstairs while upstairs in front of the stage the sound just washes into a mess so that you can't hear the vocals clearly.

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I would have loved to see him but after the last few gigs at the Villa where the sound has been absolutely shite I've refused to waste any more money there. They've never managed to get the sound right in the Villa IMHO. I'm not pointing the finger at the guys in the FOH desk but more at the sound design in the place. Far too bassy downstairs while upstairs in front of the stage the sound just washes into a mess so that you can't hear the vocals clearly.


Yep, the sound was shite, but there you go. It's the best venue we have for a large audience, so I'd rather put up with it than miss out.

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Why do we have to put up with crap sound? People don't have to put up with crap anywhere else but here it is all ok - you do a shit job sound engineer, they probably bought the sound system in somewhere well gay. Its nonsense we have a quite good venue run by muppets.

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The sound was all done on Jools' own desk and stuff with his own engineer - you could see them set up in fron t of the in-house system.

Even so the sound was ok but not great..... the room is designed to amplify acoustic voices and orchestras, not cope with several thousand watts of PA.

The sound has occasionaly been great in there though - it was for Robert Plant and it was for Brian Wilson so it can be done....


Great night - i don't really go for that big band boogie woogie stuff myself but it was so well done and with great humour - well apart from Marc Almond who was c**p IMHO!!!


Watch this space for the return of the support act i hope ;)

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I think that it is unfair to say that the front of house engineers are being rubbished, simply because whenever a major artist is on at the villa, both the FOH & Monitor techs are brought over by the band, therefore it very unlikely for you to have herd a major artist in the villa mixed by a in house engineer. Also there has to date been no complaints form any artist about the quality of both the sound system that is in place, that is currently the same system toured and used at the likes of both the Manchester Arena & Birmingham NEC. Personally, i think that both the sound system in place at the villa marina, and the engineers are doing a adaquate job.

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We went last night - fantastic!


Marc Almond was excellent IMHO. When I saw that he was in the line up, I was quite surprised as the 'Tainted Love' bit seemed a bit of a relic from the distant past and I hoped he wouldn't be trading on that. But he was brilliant, a strong voice and he really worked the numbers he sang. A good night!

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I think that it is unfair to say that the front of house engineers are being rubbished, simply because whenever a major artist is on at the villa, both the FOH & Monitor techs are brought over by the band, therefore it very unlikely for you to have herd a major artist in the villa mixed by a in house engineer. Also there has to date been no complaints form any artist about the quality of both the sound system that is in place, that is currently the same system toured and used at the likes of both the Manchester Arena & Birmingham NEC. Personally, i think that both the sound system in place at the villa marina, and the engineers are doing a adaquate job.


I seem to remember the coral wernt to impressed on there first visit although it sounded ok to me. maybe the people complaining about the sound are just audio snobs, you know the type!

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I am an audio snob and proud of it. When you have the taste in music I do (highly produced tunage) it would be rude to hear it through a bad stereo - you'd miss half of the music. This is a bit of a ploblem some times because I moan about the sound systems at most of the places I go to.



Semolina Pilchard you are right, I stand corrected. :)

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I am an audio snob and proud of it. When you have the taste in music I do (highly produced tunage) it would be rude to hear it through a bad stereo - you'd miss half of the music. This is a bit of a ploblem some times because I moan about the sound systems at most of the places I go to.



Quality does seem to vary quite a bit depending on where you stood. For the jools thing, the sound quality was really bad, particularly noticable when the trumpets were playing. The speech was pretty much inaudiable.

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