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There's a bit of a row going on about Douglas Corpies recent decision to ban all dogs from public parks. They've restricted dogs from, apparently, some 80 locations in douglas, and now the only park you can legally walk your dog is a single designated area in Nobles.


I hate dog shit, surely everyone does. I especially hate it in areas where my kids play.


But dog shit is already banned in parks, and it's still happens. So will banning dogs reduce dog shit? No. The people who let their dogs shit in the park wont adhere to the dog ban, same as they didn't adhere to the dog shit ban.


So what's the point, other than pissing off all the responsible owners who picked their dogs shit up?

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Oh why not ban dogs? FFS you cannot do anything in parks with out the park ranger coming to get you, no ball games, no skating, no petting, no dogs, no flower picking......various other by-laws have been introduced but the people were all sleeping at the time (as were half the council) so ignore them on the most part.



hang on a minute.....I have never seen a park ranger in any of the little parks round town - lets be anarchists and play football in Woodbourne park :ph34r:

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hang on a minute.....I have never seen a park ranger in any of the little parks round town - lets be anarchists and play football in Woodbourne park :ph34r:


with dogs...and shit and pick flowers while we're at it.

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But dog shit is already banned in parks, and it's still happens. So will banning dogs reduce dog shit? No. The people who let their dogs shit in the park wont adhere to the dog ban, same as they didn't adhere to the dog shit ban.



it will be a lot easier for byelaw officers to see a dog in a park rather than a dog in a park having a dump in the distance and the owner pretending to pick it up and not bother really, or pretend not to see their dog shitting and claim ignorance of the fact or when they notice they are being 'observed' it would be the only time they would pick up. the probabillity is that the owners who didn't pick up for whatever reason have cost the genuinely responsible owners the parks. that covers the shit aspect of things except to say if the responsible owners had contacted the authorities and grassed up the wankers they may still have the parks. it may have been better for the corpy to see what happened about shit in the parks once the byelaws that allow fixed penalties were bought in so all the non picker uppers were fined instead of the corpy having to take them through the courts ( an expensive option for a small fine, not financially viable on a grand scale ) they may have jumped the gun if fouling was the only issue, BUT, dog shit is not the only issue! there are those that turn up, let the dog run riot harrasing non dog owners and in some cases letting their dogs take chunks out of other dogs only to have the attacking dogs owner blame them for being there. one can only wonder what it will be like in nobles park with all the douglas dogs in the one field??. IF the law allowed for dogs to have to be on a lead, many of the problems with shit and harrasment of people by dogs and dog 'fights' would be sorted. it would be difficult to not notice your dog having a shit when its on a lead 4 feet away and also for it to attack other dogs and jump up at people with their lunch. I can see why they did the byelaws, but less draconian measures may well have had the desired effect IF dogs on leads was law.

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I'm a dog owner, I always pick up my dog's shit no matter how difficult or location ( try carrying a bag of shit for 2 hours before you come across a bin ).

It's pretty embarrasing walking down the access road and railway line out to Union Mills at the moment - it's covered in shit. Now, I always take 3 bags out with me and some kitchen roll

but the amount of other owners who can't be arsed really pisses me off. The times I catch one I offer a spare bag I usually get glared at. I find the worst offenders to be old ladies

with small dog's - perhaps the 'it's only a small amount' mentality is their problem.

I don't use the parks around Douglas anyway, so any ban doesn't bother me. I'll take my dog out of town to a plantation or a beach. But I'll still pick up his shit.

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Has there ever been any successful prosecutions related to these by-laws? e.g. Dogs crapping, people sitting, children playing etc.


the old douglas byelaws relating to dogs were pretty naff and as good as unworkable. the new ones are barely in and without the signage they won't try prosecuting or issueing fixed penalties. as i have said in a previous post a few months ago, if they issue you a fixed penalty and you pay it, it doesn't count as a prosecution and as such doesn't get publicity in the press. i have read a few things in the papers about dog prosecutions ( don't know whether it is byelaw stuff or the dog laws ) in recent months so some people are getting done somewhere. but i bet that for the 1 that gets prosecuted a 100 get away with it.

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Dr Kish is agin this move to exclude dogs from parks, as he thinks the benefits of dog owning far outweigh the disadvantages. He also said that catching something really nasty from dog poo was pretty unusual, but not unknown. At least with dog poo you know you have trodden in it; there are many other nasties you can step in completely unawares.


All in all, Douglas Corpie should take a quantum leap from banning everything to encouraging and facilitating responsible behaviour. How about putting some lighting up in the Millennium Dog Wood so we can exercise our mutts in the winter months? Why ban dogs from Douglas beach for the whole of the summer months? It is hardly used by any other groups and it is naturally cleaned twice a day. Some of the shite I have seen washed up would give me far greater cause for concern than dog poo, eg. used condoms*, broken glass, tampons, etc. Although, of course, dog poo should be cleaned up by the owners no matter where it is deposited even if the tide can wash it away.


*During TT, there were a few used condoms obviously flung seawards from the area of the fair, only to be caught by the sea side railings and to hang like snot drops. I doubt they were any less of a health risk than dog poo.

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Dr Kish is agin this move to exclude dogs from parks, as he thinks the benefits of ....etc,


Looks like we have yet another brainwashed Dr Kish fan . . . .


So you would rather see broken bottles, used condoms & discarded needles in the parks, than the odd irresponsible owners dog turds?


Fecikin stupid nanny state - there's nothing wrong with dogs, and what they leave behind is probably a lot less harmful than some of the other litter left behind!


I pick up after my dog if it's in a public place - mostly walked in fields and away from areas where the public generally go, but I seriously can't believe that people are more offended by a left dog turd (which is totally biodegradeable) compared to some of the McDonalds litter thrown out of car windows, and crap that is thrown on the beach.

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