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Dr Kish is agin this move to exclude dogs from parks, as he thinks the benefits of dog owning far outweigh the disadvantages. He also said that catching something really nasty from dog poo was pretty unusual, but not unknown. At least with dog poo you know you have trodden in it; there are many other nasties you can step in completely unawares.


All in all, Douglas Corpie should take a quantum leap from banning everything to encouraging and facilitating responsible behaviour. How about putting some lighting up in the Millennium Dog Wood so we can exercise our mutts in the winter months? Why ban dogs from Douglas beach for the whole of the summer months? It is hardly used by any other groups and it is naturally cleaned twice a day. Some of the shite I have seen washed up would give me far greater cause for concern than dog poo, eg. used condoms*, broken glass, tampons, etc. Although, of course, dog poo should be cleaned up by the owners no matter where it is deposited even if the tide can wash it away.


*During TT, there were a few used condoms obviously flung seawards from the area of the fair, only to be caught by the sea side railings and to hang like snot drops. I doubt they were any less of a health risk than dog poo.



i heard kish dribbling on on the radio and one question was about the medical aspect of shite and the rest was him chirping on about the benefits of dogs. the byelaws are nothing to do with being against dog 'ownership' so the only reason i can see to have him on was to have an 'expert' spouting against the byelaws. the fact he has fuck all to do with sanitation in the parks was irrelevant, and as i posted above, shite is not the only issue. perhaps kish can tell us the benefits of having someone elses dog jumping all over us and our kids with its muddy paws?? i also doubt dogs are banned from the beach entirely,( i haven't seen the new byelaws ), but i expect it would be like peel with the ban just between certain hours. tide allowing you should still be able to take them on the beach early morning pre work and evening after teatime. but i can see how exagerating the beach ban helps the antis. don't forget also that you can walk your dog on ALL the pavements and as they are usually a solid flat surface it makes SEEING and picking up a lot easier to perform. another point is that in winter months when it is dark, many people think they can't be seen and can't see what the dog is doing either so cleaning up is not as high on the 'must do' list. i can see the argument that there is that much other shite on the beach and a bit of dog shit is neither here nor there but it doesn't make it right. quite often dogs are a hundred yards ahead of owners on the beach so where is the 'control' and diverting your walk to avoid 'seeing' any shit your dog could have done is easily achieved.

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No, I just think he does talk a lot of sense.


I am not brainwashed, quite the contrary. I believe that the majority of people who are bleating about this risk to their health and that, are the brainwashed, believing that every eventuality is someone's fault and so really all they have to do is create more and more rules to deal with every contingency, however unreasonably foreseeable it may be, and a long and happy life will ensue.


Well, no! It is so much easier to abrogate your responsibility for yourself to 'them', than to take responsibility for yourself or, even, to accept that life is a bit risky and 'shit happens'.


From a very limited experience of risk management it has two primary aspects: the likelihood of the perceived risk occuring and the extent of the damage that will result (frequency and severity). There is a third aspect which deals with how much risk is acceptable. That is a very subjective exercise after you have considered the first two objectively.


So, apply those criteria to this debate: my dogs defecate several times a day (this seems to be the way of dogs), I gather up the result very frequently, and have done so for, probably, 20 years now so I would guess I am likely to be in a high risk category (daily exposure to the risk) on frequency. On the severity front, during that time I have had two children. Their immune system was non-existent (obviously) from day one, so the severity of them being infected with some dog-crap-borne ailment was quite high. With very few health issues as they developed their own immune system, I pondered on the acceptability of the risk attached to dog-owning and, having found that we had no health issues, I have now subjectively categorised the risk factor as negligible and far outweighed by the benefits to my children of having dogs and cats, pets generally, as part of the family.


So where do we go from here?

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There's a bit of a row going on about Douglas Corpies recent decision to ban all dogs from public parks. They've restricted dogs from, apparently, some 80 locations in douglas, and now the only park you can legally walk your dog is a single designated area in Nobles.


I hate dog shit, surely everyone does. I especially hate it in areas where my kids play.


But dog shit is already banned in parks, and it's still happens. So will banning dogs reduce dog shit? No. The people who let their dogs shit in the park wont adhere to the dog ban, same as they didn't adhere to the dog shit ban.


So what's the point, other than pissing off all the responsible owners who picked their dogs shit up?



Yet again the majority are punished becuase off the minority.What's new in the IOM.


Most " responable dog owners" DO clean up after them, DO take notice off them running to other people, DO have control off their dogs, yet we still have knobs heads, talking dog shoite.


perhaps kish can tell us the benefits of having someone elses dog jumping all over us and our kids with its muddy paws??


Bad owners again but you've tard us all with the same brush, Kisk mk2.


i can see the argument that there is that much other shite on the beach and a bit of dog shit is neither here nor there but it doesn't make it right.


I can't. There was, at one time, so much human waste coming back onto Douglas beach that local Vets were telling people not to walk their dogs there. This could be because of the amount of cases they were getting from people who walked their dogs there.


If you had knowledge about dogs then you would know that whilst there are many things can be caught from dogs, but most are Feral dogs, who haven't been wormed. Again, irresposnable owners who don't worm.


However, the amount of things you can catch from raw sewerage from the outlet in Douglas Bay in far more than you'll get from a dog. When was the last time you had a full medical?


My dogs get one every 6 months.


I've never heard of anyone in the IOM going blind because of worms picked up from a dogs stools. Have you ?


Again i say, we, the good dog owners have been punished becuase of the arsesoles and ,imo, some knobhead who wants to be re-electoerd.


At the end off the day , it doesn't effect me as in live in Onchan :D


However, the women bleating on about not being able to walk her dog makes me laugh. She has to walk it to the Park, then throw a ball? That could be ebough for some breeds?


When you buy a dog, 1/ understand it needs exercise and mental stimulation and 2/ make sure you can give it that apart from the local park , doh >

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Dr Kish is agin this move to exclude dogs from parks, as he thinks the benefits of dog owning far outweigh the disadvantages. He also said that catching something really nasty from dog poo was pretty unusual, but not unknown.


Surely not. I thought we were on the verge of a global dog shit pandemic. I've already built my anti dog shit bunker and stockpiled antibiotics and tinned food.

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Now that I'm a bit more settled I've been thinking about getting a dog again. So, besides a 3 foot by 3 foot area in Nobles Park, where can you walk dogs in Douglas these days? Anyone suggest any good walks in Douglas where the dog can roam free a bit?

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@ gladys, dog shit is less of a danger and a problem to the dog owner because they KNOW where their dog has crapped and when they do pick up, they protect themselves from getting covered in it. how often do you stand in your own dogs shit or sit down on your lawn into it?? the problem is for the people who go to a park with no dogs of their own, if there is no one in the park with a dog why would you expect piles of shit in the grass for your kids to stand in, sit in, fall into playing and get all over their hands?? i realise it is not a guarateed happening if you go in a park, but the risk is there. and i'm sure it happens more than youn think.


@celt, yes the problems are mostly caused by bad owners. as i said above, the corpy may have jumped the gun on the fouling aspect and when fixed penalties are in and working ( rather than court and high cost for prosecutions ) perhaps the shit aspect of dogs in parks would deminish with a few pockets getting raped, but that wouldn't cure dogs harrasing other people and other dogs in there. how many times have you heard a dog owner tell the person being harrassed and barked at that the dog is only playing and being friendly and it won't bite?? I can't say i have ever heard Oh i'm sorry, i'll put it on the lead. the other classic is people who think their dog is under control cos they can see it, but they stand there shouting the thing just to have it carry on regardless paying them no heed. it is back to dogs on leads again, if your dog was, it couldn't annoy some one 50 feet away or go and jump all over some one elses dog that is on a lead 4 feet away from them. all dogs could be controlled and kept apart and ofcourse you would be in a prime spot to see it shit and clean up after it.


as to it doesn't affect you you live in onchan, i think they have byelaws too, but the parks my still be allowed? ( they too may change that if douglas is a success and onchans don't work as intended??? start grassing up the non picker uppers to the commisioners and protect what you have )


and how many locals have sight problems because of dog shit?? i would suggest you ask manx blind welfare,( they could know? ) but i know for a fact of one person with sight problems because of it and i am nothing to do with MBW,.


and yes the legislation affects all for the sake of the few, same everywhere with every thing. we wouldn't need speed limits at all if people drove safely, but we have speed limits. where there are no speed limits not everyone suddenly speeds up to 80+ miles an hour so not everyone needs them either.

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How about having an equal number of parks, where there's a ban on children for some, and a ban on dogs for the others???


The freaky 'dog fearing parents' could have somewhere to take their noisy brats, and the responsible (and not so responsible) dog owners would have somewhere to take their pets.


That would keep everyone happy!


(Well it probably wouldn't)

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Now that I'm a bit more settled I've been thinking about getting a dog again. So, besides a 3 foot by 3 foot area in Nobles Park, where can you walk dogs in Douglas these days? Anyone suggest any good walks in Douglas where the dog can roam free a bit?


Millennium Dog Wood

Marine Drive

Port Soderick

Railway lines

Douglas beach (Oct to Arpil, unless you want to offend some bye law)


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Douglas beach (Oct to Arpil, unless you want to offend some bye law)


Didn't know about that. Plenty of people seem to take no notice then? What a stupid idea, nobody uses douglas beach otherwise, even on the hottest days it's empty while places like Peel are packed.

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Now that I'm a bit more settled I've been thinking about getting a dog again. So, besides a 3 foot by 3 foot area in Nobles Park, where can you walk dogs in Douglas these days? Anyone suggest any good walks in Douglas where the dog can roam free a bit?


If you have access to a car, it may be less hassle to walk the dog outwith the town areas in the forest plantations etc. I appreciate people don't always have the time to go away with the dog for hours on end. A mate of mine regularly walks his in Conhrenny plantation, which isn't too far out of Douglas.

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We interpreted the Douglas Beach law as that the dogs have to be on a lead.

On the sign it says that dogs may not be at large from April to Sept - and looking 'at large' up in the dictionary it means - non restrained...

So we think that it is ok as long as the dogs are on a lead - otherwise the sign does not make it clear enough...

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We interpreted the Douglas Beach law as that the dogs have to be on a lead.

On the sign it says that dogs may not be at large from April to Sept - and looking 'at large' up in the dictionary it means - non restrained...

So we think that it is ok as long as the dogs are on a lead - otherwise the sign does not make it clear enough...


According to the bilaw:


"Between 1st May to the 30th September (inclusive) in any year and between 10.00 hours and 18.00 hours, dogs are prohibited from Douglas Beach "


Then it goes on to say dogs may not be 'at large' any other time outside these times. No dogs off leads at any time on the beach then? I had no idea. No wonder everyone uses those extending leads!


You'd think they'd clarify 'at large' though. Does that mean ferral and unsupervised, or off the lead?


Here's the closest thing to a legal definition I can find:


"At large" means any animal found off the property of its owner and not under restraint, or any animal has been subject of a previous at large complaint when found unrestrained whether or not on or off property of its owner, or any animal previously determined to be dangerous or potentially dangerous that is not confined to a secure enclosure while on the property of it's owner.


Adequate restraint is defined as a secure enclosure located on the owners property, or a chain, leash or other physical or electronic device of sufficient strength which allows the owner to maintain control of an animal. Voice command is not adequate restraint.

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