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'pocols' - Just For Laughs


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Eighteen police officers have been disciplined after bragging on a social networking website about crashing cars and hitting pedestrians.

The Metropolitan Police officers joked about injuring members of the public on a site called Look I’ve Had a Pocol – slang for police collision.


“I did him a favour. At 82 years old you just shouldn’t be on the road and if you are, then most certainly don’t go through a green light into the path of an innocent police car.”


“Ran over a drunk. I believe he has a permanent limp and a hefty payout. I was given a three-month holiday from job driving. Ooh, bummer.”


I've nothing against the police, but there are quite a few (even locally) who think they're above the law when they're in their patrol cars. They're the ones who drive like complete dicks and - from the evidence of this story - dicks may be too pleasant a word for them.

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