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Id For Flying


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After all the ballyhoo following 11/9 it seems the Americans haven't learned anything - Clicky Meanwhile in the IOM the airport security jobsworths make you strip to your underpants before you go through!

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I flew to Glasgow with a friend 2 weeks ago and not once on the outward or return trip were we asked for any photo id. Yet hair gel and toothpaste was confiscated. It's the Apple of security - all show and no substance.

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This new procedure will not affect passengers that may have misplaced, lost or otherwise do not have ID but are cooperative with officers. Cooperative passengers without ID may be subjected to additional screening protocols, including enhanced physical screening, enhanced carry-on and/or checked baggage screening, interviews with behavior detection or law enforcement officers and other measures.


Are you a terrorist?




Are you sure?




You wouldn't lie to me now would you





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Reading between the lines he seems to be trying to avoid hassle by 'forgetting ' his ID, it's there in the report by him.

Another case of a person doing the "look at me, I'm being oppressed" silliness. Why would an adult forget his ID, when he knew he was going through an airport, if not to bring attention to himself? Sounds like a set-up to me.


And what's this "interview with behaviour detection" BS

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I flew to Glasgow with a friend 2 weeks ago and not once on the outward or return trip were we asked for any photo id. Yet hair gel and toothpaste was confiscated. It's the Apple of security - all show and no substance.


I flew from Glasgow to IOM at Easter. I had checked in online and had only hand baggage, so I didn't need to go near a check in desk. I wasn't asked for photo ID even when handing my boarding pass to get on the plane.


Yet still had to take my shoes off at the X ray machine!

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  • 3 months later...
I flew to Glasgow with a friend 2 weeks ago and not once on the outward or return trip were we asked for any photo id. Yet hair gel and toothpaste was confiscated. It's the Apple of security - all show and no substance.


I flew from Glasgow to IOM at Easter. I had checked in online and had only hand baggage, so I didn't need to go near a check in desk. I wasn't asked for photo ID even when handing my boarding pass to get on the plane.


Yet still had to take my shoes off at the X ray machine!


I flew to Dublin a couple of weeks ago and I also had checked in online and had only hand baggage, so I didn't need to go near a check in desk. Again the airport security jobsworths didn't ask for any photo-id and were more concerned with making sure a mother with 3 young kiddies took off all their shoes and coats while she was also trying to look after bags, a pram etc. No photo id checked when boarding either.

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Also, the explosives are liquid and need to be mixed to work. When the liquids are confiscated they are put into a container, not separated but mixed up. How are they disposed of? Probably in a big bin into a bin truck and happily mixed up and crushed. Just how many bin lorries have exploded? The whole thing is glorious bullshit.

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Who is stupid enough to buy a bottle of spirits knowing the limits are such as they are?

Maybe we should grab the opportunity to make money and start bottling that 'Manx Spirit' muck in 400ml bottles?


Sounds good. I have been thinking of a new product in the cosmetics area, similar to Oil of Ulay. I'm going to call it: "Oil of Man". Think it'll take off?



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O_o I should fly to Glasgow more often. I reguarly fly to east mids and I'm always ID'd both checking in and when i show my boarding pass. Usually i have to take my provisional liscence as my school card isn't enough (despite the fact you only need ID with your address on it for international flights).


I've had my sun cream confiscated, as well as a bottle of nail varnish, not because they were over 100ml but because they weren't in a clear plastic bag, it was loose inside my actual bag, a sure sign i'm planning to hijack the plane and or blow something up.

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I recently went to the US, via Dublin, and the most stringent search was leaving IoM. Checking in at Dublin, my passport wasn't enough, they wanted to see another form of photo ID, and of course, the nice gentleman at US immigration had never heard of the IoM, so the usual 1 minute chat grew to 5 minutes, fingerprints took hardly any time at all.


Add to this, the shout of 'Laptop!' at the X-ray queue every minute or so, as if they were saying 'Incoming!', inwardly amusing.


No further ID after checking in though, just boarding cards. I'd heard that you could do US immigration at Dublin, but this is only for a few flights at present, will be for most flights next year when they finish building the new terminal.

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