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Motorcyce Event On The Ayres Nnr


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this morning I received this email, sections of which are printed below. Does anyone know any details about this event? Date etc?



enjoying getting to know various parts of the island. During recent walks

we see the Ayres is 'protected' for the little terns and arctic terns and

others birds that use the foreshore for nesting till 1st August. Dog

walkers are subject to large fines for disturbing the area with dogs not on

the lead, as you know. So I was astonished to learn that over the

weekend, some dayglo orange notices went up advertising the Southern

Motorcycle Association meeting at the Ayres for a bit of biking on the beach

(between the high and low water marks, supposedly). My interest and

involvement was sparked by a guy who lives near the Ayres who spotted the

signs in the first place. Notices appeared on the A10/16 from outside

Ramsey up the Bride Road to the Ayres, and possibly elsewhere. The bike

meet organiser has put up notices at the visitor centre too warning the

public to beware of bikes on the beach between 9 - 11 am.


I don't know exactly where the little tern and arctic tern nesting sites

are, or their numbers this year, but it strikes me that using an already

officially designated sensitive nesting site for a bike meet is a piece of

nonsense so... I spent some time on the phone today getting in touch with

DoT and DAFF to try to find out exactly what's happening. The fact is, DoT

have already given outline approval for the meet without checking with DAFF

- it looks like they forgot about the SSI designation - and both departments

are trying to work out the best way forward (given that a letter has already

been sent to the organiser with outline approval, hence the dayglo notices)

and to work to improve communication between departments in situations like

this. DAFF are trying to exercise quiet diplomacy in relation to this case

- nobody likes having egg on their face obviously - and both departments are

'fact-finding' today - possibly prompted by phone calls from the interested

public. They are trying to come up with a face-saving solution. Decision

day is tomorrow. It may be this year the terns will be the losers. Or is

that a bit too emotive?


Anyway, do you think upwards of 30 bikers should have access to the beach

just now, even if they are restricted to the area between the high and low

water marks, for two hours of racing, given what you know about the

behaviour of terns? I mean, maybe the birds will just sit tight and ignore

it... it is possible. And, ordinarily, I have nothing against bikes.

I've just enjoyed my first TT!!


But if you fancy using your specialist interest knowledge and make your own

independent enquiries to DAFF to find out more about what's happening about

the advertised bike meet, could you call them tomorrow morning? Perhaps

your enquiries and concern will lend weight to the effort to help keep the

beach quiet during this crucial time.

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It does indeed appear that DoT have given permisison for an event on that beach without realising that its part of the SSI/nature reserve and therefore that they had no authority to do so.


I wonder if DAFF will prosecute if it goes ahead.

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I have just seen a notice at Cranstal which is about a mile Ramsey side of the Point of Ayre. The event is due to be held on Sunday 6th July from 9am-11am. I have no idea how much of the beach is being used but lets start with the old DHPP and see what they can tell us.

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I wonder if DAFF will prosecute if it goes ahead.


I'm thinking more along the lines of how I can get it stopped. Prevention being better than cure and all that.

The lady mentions, in her email, that DAFF are going to be fact finding which (I presume) will involve going up to the reserve to ascertain what the status of breeding birds is up there. Unfortunately I have no confidence in their ability to do this accurately.


Looks like I'm going to be stood on the beach on Sunday morning...

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Get over it <_< it's the 2 day enduro same as last year, if you had taken the time to look at their website you would have seen this


2 Day Enduro


just the same as last year they will run around the "Point" below the high water mark , If any of your terns ar nesting below the high water mark they must be a special breed of sub aquatic terns and not the type you are on bleating about,



CJW Posted Today, 10:28 AM

Looks like I'm going to be stood on the beach on Sunday morning...


I hope you will be a safe distance from the enduro route as we wouldn't want anything to happen or will you be up there worrying the birds <_<

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Get over it <_< it's the 2 day enduro same as last year, if you had taken the time to look at their website you would have seen this


2 Day Enduro


just the same as last year they will run around the "Point" below the high water mark , If any of your terns ar nesting below the high water mark they must be a special breed of sub aquatic terns and not the type you are on bleating about,



CJW Posted Today, 10:28 AM

Looks like I'm going to be stood on the beach on Sunday morning...


I hope you will be a safe distance from the enduro route as we wouldn't want anything to happen or will you be up there worrying the birds <_<


Oh I see. It's happened before so it should be allowed to continue...

The placement of the birds' nests/chicks is not the issue, it's the disturbance caused by however many motorcycles going past very close to those nests that is the problem. Your attitude, as indicated by the reference to "your terns" is fairly typical of those who have no understanding of matters outside their own blinkered view. Let me make this clear "THEY'RE EVERYONE'S TERNS" and part of the island's already undervalued natural heritage. These birds already have to suffer the disturbance from dog-walkers, fisherman and general tourists.

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Looks like I'm going to be stood on the beach on Sunday morning...


These birds already have to suffer the disturbance from dog-walkers, fisherman and general tourists.


So why are you going to stand on the beach? Are you somehow better than the rest of the dog walkers, fisherman and general tourists?

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So why are you going to stand on the beach? Are you somehow better than the rest of the dog walkers, fisherman and general tourists?


Pretty much.

Because I'm fully aware of where the nesting birds are and how best to avoid disturbance to them. There are very few, if any, people on the island who know more about the breeding habits of the birds on the Ayres NNR than I.


Don't try and be a "smart Alec" over this issue with irrelevant ill-informed arguments.

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Oh I see. It's happened before so it should be allowed to continue...

The placement of the birds' nests/chicks is not the issue, it's the disturbance caused by however many motorcycles going past very close to those nests that is the problem. Your attitude, as indicated by the reference to "your terns" is fairly typical of those who have no understanding of matters outside their own blinkered view. Let me make this clear "THEY'RE EVERYONE'S TERNS" and part of the island's already undervalued natural heritage. These birds already have to suffer the disturbance from dog-walkers, fisherman and general tourists


So everyone’s Terns are nesting on EVERYONE’S BEACH and the only people who can use it, are a few bobble hat-wearing twitches hiding in the dunes. Is that not a blinkered view or is only your blinkered view allowed.


I was up there on Sunday fishing, I had my dog with me and I will continue to do so.


Anyone know any good recipes for Terns as they’re everyone’s I fancy a couple for tea.


One good Tern deserves another.

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Don't try and be a "smart Alec" over this issue with irrelevant ill-informed arguments.


If you're worried about people on the beach then it was relevant and anyway, how is a simple question ill informed?


Nice way to win support for your cause BTW, might have a wander over the beach myself that weekend.

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Don't try and be a "smart Alec" over this issue with irrelevant ill-informed arguments.


If you're worried about people on the beach then it was relevant and anyway, how is a simple question ill informed?


Nice way to win support for your cause BTW, might have a wander over the beach myself that weekend.

Yer - Grumpy Git

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Oh I see. It's happened before so it should be allowed to continue...
:o hell of a arguement on ya fella :o



so does that mean i can put on my nimby hat and jump up and down saying that we should stop all the birds from breeding because they did it last year :lol: , get off your high horse before you fall off, muppet <_<

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