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Malarkey Resigns From Liberal Vannin

Albert Tatlock

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WTF, what the Hell is your problem? Do you not realise that you can achieve very little in politics unless you have power/influence to do so? Malarky has a duty to the people of Douglas South to preserve and further their interests, not live up to your petty and arbitrary standards.

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Party politics is the only way forward, for without such you have 24 House of Keys members with independent views to the effect that there are 24 parties. The result, is

sadly, the non-proactive Government that the Isle of Man has today. No definitive direction or to be more specific, collective direction from the electorate.


The Liberal Vannin Party was to date a breath of fresh air from the die hard Manx Labour Party which over the years has dissolved into a joke after their members accepted ministerial positions and voted for Council of Ministers policy which sometimes conflicted with Labour Party policy.


Sadly the LVP has gone down a similar road by being too extreme in opposition.

Mr Karran and his close circle of mysterious advisers has determined that LVP members should not even sit on Tynwald Parliamentary Committees which is quite contrary to the situation in the UK House of Commons, Welsh Assembly, and Scottish Parliament, where opposition MPs sit on such committees for the benefit of the people as a whole.


Also there is no conflict with a LVP member of the Keys sitting on a Government Department for they are not debarred from the freedom of vote which applies to Council of Minister members.


One can sympathise with Mr Malarkey's situation while also urging Mr Karran to get out of the mud and face reality despite his good intentions.

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In my opinion he's actually made a brave decision and realised that it is better to be in government and try to influence decisions than to simply stand on the outside and critise everything. Its easy to complain and oppose everything when you don't have to be accountable for it.



If this is the case then why did he join the LVP in the first place ?

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WTF, what the Hell is your problem? Do you not realise that you can achieve very little in politics unless you have power/influence to do so? Malarky has a duty to the people of Douglas South to preserve and further their interests, not live up to your petty and arbitrary standards.


there are too many people in government that are in the clique, they all know what dodgy deals have been done in the name of our ( their really) interests. and as such they won't make 'real' decissions against each other, just the odd bit of banter for public consumption. to get in you have to become a nodding dog, if you're not, you are another PK ( not a lot of use ). once in you soon realise that you can't do anything ,all the cronies hold each other up and won't allow anyone to fall. and as such once in you can't change owt of significance anyway cos it may unearth a few skeletons and embarress a cronie. ALL the people have a duty to their constituants, but it soon becomes a case of how do i get to stay here and get my £30k plus a year and fact finding free holidays at the taxpayers expense. i can't think of a capital project that has gone according to plan and come in at budget. when something goes wrong it isn't their fault but the surveyors and consultants and anyone else who isn't them. it is the most expensive and incompetent council in the british isles.

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In my opinion he's actually made a brave decision and realised that it is better to be in government and try to influence decisions than to simply stand on the outside and critise everything. Its easy to complain and oppose everything when you don't have to be accountable for it.



If this is the case then why did he join the LVP in the first place ?


To get more votes of course.


I would suggest that if he had stood as an Independent it is more than likely that we would now have a manxforums member representing us in South Douglas

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On the radio he said that LV's stance against membership of goverment, statutory boards and the like is a recent thing. So he wouldn't have known before (although he probably should have guessed)

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Every time I've spoken to him he's been insistent on the need for a strong party to oppose the 'party' of Chief Minister + ministers (a block of nine guaranteed votes). It appears that he finds it more agreeable to join the majority party rather than to maintain the position on which he was voted into the House of Keys.

I would like to say that I'm surprised - sadly, I'm not.

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i voted for malarky because he represented the liberal vannin party, he says he is doing this for the good of his constituents. I wont be voting for him next time round as he hasnt set the world on fire has he and even less chance of him speaking up now on behalf of his constituents. Only the lone ranger left now good old PK.

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Mr Malarky doesn't think he's let down those who voted for him. Oh dear, because all those who voted for him hoping to get a P.K. (no the other one) clone with LVP backing HAVE been let down by him. Oh well, it's an attitude that saves all that bothersome democracy and folks voting for you nonsense.

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i voted for malarky because he represented the liberal vannin party, he says he is doing this for the good of his constituents. I wont be voting for him next time round as he hasnt set the world on fire has he and even less chance of him speaking up now on behalf of his constituents.


I'm much the same.


Bill Malarkey should resign as an MHK and re-sit in a by-election. Hopefully with a Lib Van candidate too. This will either reinforce him or not as the case might be. Perhaps we shall never know.


Bill Malarkey spoke on Manx Radio about some changes in Lib Van policy that he claims weren't there when he joined up. Perhaps if he really was a useful and worthwhile politician he could have sensibly argued his points (eg. about Lib Van members taking up Government posts etc.) amongst the Party. But I take it that he does not even have the ability to do this.


Ah well . . . . another few years on an increased Government participated salary and a few jollys with the CPA, plus making some more mates with the likes of the Council of Ministers should see Bill right for the rest of his days and even if the electorate do decide to kick him out next election, he'll still have a nice little pay off.


He'll not have an awful lot of respect though.



Some things never change.

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Has anyone thought about the cost of as bye election - I think the forum in itself is shallow in that all facts have not been considered.


I know Bill personally and this is not a decision he would have made lightly neither has be participated in 'Jollies'.


I think policiticans these days should be encouraged - obviously out of all the voices on the forum only one had the guts to stand for election!

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