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Malarkey Resigns From Liberal Vannin

Albert Tatlock

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obviously out of all the voices on the forum only one had the guts to stand for election!



It's six actually, and that's just the ones I'm aware of. Let's not let facts get in the way of your rant though.

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obviously out of all the voices on the forum only one had the guts to stand for election!



It's six actually, and that's just the ones I'm aware of. Let's not let facts get in the way of your rant though.



This was not a rant, but as you say, lets not let facts get in the way... do you have the correct facts of why he resigned?


Neither do I... so give the man a break!

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I couldn't give a stuff why he resigned and I haven't offered any opinion on it because I don't care.


I'm just merely pointing out your inaccuracies.

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obviously out of all the voices on the forum only one had the guts to stand for election!



It's six actually, and that's just the ones I'm aware of. Let's not let facts get in the way of your rant though.



This was not a rant, but as you say, lets not let facts get in the way... do you have the correct facts of why he resigned?


Neither do I... so give the man a break!





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It always gets my hackles up when somebody joins (any) forum for the sole purpose of adding their voice to just one subject under discussion. Only to vanish into the ether as soon as the fuss dies down, especialy when they haven't researched the facts.

For example the number of forum members who have stood for election.There are members here who stood for election as long ago as the bye election in Rushen in June 2000 and in the 2001 election.




Well….nit picking maybe, but I’m sure I heard Bill Malarkey say on MR at lunchtime that he had served two full terms. As far as I am aware he has not yet served two full years. Without the backdrop of the Liberal Vannin Party nobody would have noticed him yet. By flouncing out of the party he has managed to bring a little theatre to the scene and thus got himself noticed. He may even get a mention on MR on Tynwald day as he walks up to the hill.( He'll be singing " The fool on the Hill" and Peter will be singing "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to") However, he has shown himself to be a committed career politician. After all how much more committed can you get than being willing to sacrifice that very career on a roll of the dice?

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I think policiticans these days should be encouraged


What? Even if it's something you disagree with? Just encourage them for standing and making a few decisions, even if they don't actually consult the electorate on that decision.


People have a right to express their displeasure at his resignation from the party, and the cost of the by-election should have no sway on whether he steps down so that he can re-guage whether he has the support of his electorate.

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The Liberal Vannin Party was to date a breath of fresh air from the die hard Manx Labour Party which over the years has dissolved into a joke after their members accepted ministerial positions and voted for Council of Ministers policy which sometimes conflicted with Labour Party policy.


I can't sympathise with that at all.


To date LV has shown its self to be a disjoined and rag tag bunch of political has beens masquerading as wannabe's. What major issues has it raised in Tynwald? What changes within government has it been a catalyst for? In fact what, if anything, has this party achieved anywhere other than create minor desent at a local government level.


As for credibility? What credibility can you have when your prepared to sell crappy mugs, T-shirts and alarm clocks through a pitiful website stuffed with clunky video clips, and childish news releases. It really looks like a case of the blind leading the blind in pursuit of the gullible.


I had a high level of respect for PK before the whole LV thing and believe the Island needs strong and effective opposition but that is not going to be LV not now or any time soon.

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Further to my earlier post after listening to Manx Radio today, I think Bill should do his electorate a decent act by resigning from the House of Keys and standing as an independant.


I know it will cost a lot of money for a election but the principle of the matter is more important.


That tory chap has done just that in the UK. Honour to him.


So Bill Malarkey MHK....If you read this forum then have the guts to do the honourable thing? You were elected as a Lib Van candidate and now you have resigned from the party.


So show your electorate that you are a man of honour and re-stand!


I bet he does not though. Every man has his price and to be a Departmental member is an extra 10k plus a year.


After listening to Bill today on Manx Radio, I felt the vomit factor coming on.

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