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Malarkey Resigns From Liberal Vannin

Albert Tatlock

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Another truffle pig gets its snout in the trough

Yeah, better no one does these jobs :rolleyes:




Going swanning around the world discussing British Commonwealth matters. Is that a really necessary job?


Surely our politicians should be looking closer to home to share their outstanding political experiences. Hey! If they must talk to other very important people across the world - how about hooking them up with video conferencing, or has that little innovation gone by the wayside these days? It never was much fun was it. Reading Derek Winterbottom's biography on Charles Kerruish it seems that a great deal of Charlie's political life was spent on CPA tours.


I wonder if Bill Malarkey is looking at another new boy in the Keys, Geoff Corkish, and wondering how he has got a jolly or two out of the CPA and yet we hardly hear a peep out of Geoff in the House of Keys. And I bet Geoff and Muriel get invited to more dinners than Bill and Carol.


Aye lad, best dump Liberal Vannin. The voters of Douglas South will decide if they want you back. Still, there are 3 years on the gravy train to go yet.

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Going swanning around the world discussing British Commonwealth matters. Is that a really necessary job?


Surely our politicians should be looking closer to home to share their outstanding political experiences. Hey! If they must talk to other very important people across the world - how about hooking them up with video conferencing, or has that little innovation gone by the wayside these days? It never was much fun was it. Reading Derek Winterbottom's biography on Charles Kerruish it seems that a great deal of Charlie's political life was spent on CPA tours.

I noticed that too when I read it, but on the other hand, what else of great interest was Derek going to write about? Endless descriptions of tedious discussions he took part in as member of the Board of Health would hardly have made for a riveting read (bearing in mind even 'Questions' is a relatively new addition to proceedings). Once he became speaker he would have been doing very little else of interest to the reader.


Biographies are always going to draw prominence to these kind of things, much like biographies of Tony Blair no doubt focus on 'The Granita Deal' and the run-up to the Iraq War.


Whether or not such things are 'necessary' is probably a moot point. Is it really necessary to go out with your mates? I'm not trying to be contrite, but you would consider spending Saturday night video conferencing with them as very enjoyable, and you already know them, whereas reps to the CPA are changing all the time. The value of these forums was debated in the independence thread, I'd I fully believe you need to engage with people from other countries, as a learning experience, a challenge to your convictions and to the boost awareness of the Isle of Man.


It seems unlikely Bill quit just to go to the odd CPA meeting, especially given that he looks set to be a one-termer now. If Buttery runs again I would expect him to the get the second seat (his manifesto was certainly a lot better)

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I don't think Bill Malarkey's heart was ever in Liberal Vannin. He is certainly into being a politician though and likes the sound of his own voicce.


Maybe it can at times be difficult to realise when one's potential has reached its limit or indeed, exceeded.


The CPA thing is only an illustration of the various temptations open to our politicians if they knuckle down, stfu and join the gang.

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It seems unlikely Bill quit just to go to the odd CPA meeting, especially given that he looks set to be a one-termer now. If Buttery runs again I would expect him to the get the second seat (his manifesto was certainly a lot better)


That is a very good observation. If you look at the actual 2006 election results




Malarkey got 873 and Buttery got 829. I'm guessing that Bll attracted more than 44 votes simply because of his LV membership so they should force a stand down and a subsequent bye election. If a man stands for a party to get votes and then within 24 months leaves party you have to maintain a degree of sceptisicm regarding motives.

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Bill "The Mountain" Malarkey once threatened me with acts of violence.


To say I was overcome with mirth is somewhat of an understatement. I'll give him his due though. I did have a 10" knife in my hands at the time...




...PS Just for the record...I was cutting steaks :) ...


...PPS How he ever fucking got in STILL puzzles me. Mind you, that would apply to 75 % of the shower that represent us...

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Malarkey got 873 and Buttery got 829. I'm guessing that Bll attracted more than 44 votes simply because of his LV membership so they should force a stand down and a subsequent bye election. If a man stands for a party to get votes and then within 24 months leaves party you have to maintain a degree of sceptisicm regarding motives.


This is a fair observation too. Peter Karran was brought up in Douglas South. A lot of folk there support him and are quite proud, if not a little surprised, that he has done so well (eg topping the poll in the last 5 general elections in Onchan and the Middle bye election when he was elected way back in 1985).


i wonder what the conditions are for calling a by-election and can the constituents force one if they feel a politician has reneged on them?

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i wonder what the conditions are for calling a by-election and can the constituents force one if they feel a politician has reneged on them?


I think its up to the voters to apply pressure. If en masse they think they voted for LV and the reforms promised by LV rather than the candidate then I think they have a strong argument for applying personal pressure to resign. However, we're likely talking about a one-term wonder anyway so I would guess its easy to front the voters out as legally they have no basis for calling a bye election.


... what's more worrying is if the constitution of the LV party expressly prevents LV members from going on government departments, boards or quangos why the hell would you want to vote for any of them as they are not going to achieve anything for their constituents other than generate a lot of hot air. Why would you want to vote for a person whose party ensures that they are never going to be able to hold any political office or serve their constituents in any useful way? Its a wasted vote in my book.

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From the local paper, Mrs Marlarkey is considering resigning from the LV party, and come out saying that her husband has been praised by many for leaving the LV while others have been extremely rude about his decision.

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Mr. Malarky failed, this morning, in his bid to become an elected member of the Tynwald Constitutional matters committee.

I far as I can tell this position came vacant as Phil Gawne had to resign from one of the committees of which he was a member.

(Not allowed on so many , or something)

However Martyn Quayle was elected, with Mr Crowe and Mr Malarky failing.

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When MHK's are under pressure for about facing or sailing under false colours they generally try to spin it by "recieving" threats or offensive items thru the post, worked well for Chim Chiminy :rolleyes:

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From the local paper, Mrs Marlarkey is considering resigning from the LV party, and come out saying that her husband has been praised by many for leaving the LV while others have been extremely rude about his decision.


So put another way, as Councillor Malarkey sees it, any comments fall only in to two categories:


1. Praise for Mr Malarkey for leaving LV or,


2. Extremely rude.

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So put another way, as Councillor Malarkey sees it, any comments fall only in to two categories:


1. Praise for Mr Malarkey for leaving LV or,


2. Extremely rude.

Either she is impressively perceptive in her abilities to differentiate between peoples' comments or,


2) happened when he sat on his own at a table for 4 in that Dickensian restaurant caff.

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