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David Cameron Tells The Fat And The Poor: Take Responsibility


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It seems wrong to me that all this 'preparing kids for the big wide world' should come down to schools. What ever happened to baking with your Mum at the weekend and helping your Dad/Grandad do jobs around the house??


I appreciate that these days not all homes have a full time Mother and Father, but I don't see why it's down to politicians and the education system to make up for this. How can these responsibilities not fall to whom ever is raising the children??


I think it's particularly unfair to try and make this an education issue when teachers have so little authority over kids in school these days too. If a kid doesn't want to attend a particular lesson, they ain't going and I highly doubt chavs are going to stick around for baking and DIY regardless of how much detention they're threatened with!! Maybe the poor state of discipline in schools (due to teachers hands being tied) needs to be sorted before this can become an education issue. Although I do think these 'life skills' would be a good thing to introduce for all.


As someone posted before, schools seem to be more concentrated on results tables than anything else. But when that's what they're judged on and they have little power to discipline the bad seeds, you can see why that would be their focal point.

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Do children have no natural inquisitiveness nowadays?


Or was I alone in wanting to know what why and how when my parents were doing things around the house and garden?


School helped a bit, including how to wire a plug. Of course you don't need to do that now - health and safety etc....

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