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Police hope the scheme will not only tackle young offenders but also highlight parents who are failing to take responsibility for their offspring.



"It is about time parents started to take responsibility for their own children. There are kids all over the country who don't know right from wrong - that makes them vulnerable.


Not a bad concept if it works.


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I find it totally bizarre that people think deliquent kids don't know right from wrong in the wider social sense.


Its also strange that people bemoan obesity and no longer seeing kids playing in the street, but also insist they be kept off them.


If applied on the Isle of Man, no under 16s would allowed to go to the cinema in the evening unaccompanied. The article is talking about a town of 13 000 and as it is in Cornwall there's a good chance it is not all that prosperous, so there may be very few facilities indeed.


Finally, I'm never sure what people expect parents to do. How influential would people say their parents were on their teen years? In my experience it is the company teenagers keep that is much more influential.

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More dealing with the symptoms and not the causes. It is only a minority that actually cause the problems (the old pareto parento 80:20 rule) and they should be tackled IMO rather than any blanket approach. The problem though with fining parents Sharon and Dave is that they may then take it out on poor old Chesney and Kylie - and what does fining or curfews achieve in reality anyway - surely they just hide the problems?


These are fundamental cultural problems, that need fundamental cultural solutions to sort them out. I think we need to throw away the book and start thinking again how we can sort this out, because so many parents and parts of the education system are failing miserably, and the whole British attitude to all this (and each other), and the attitude that children should be 'not heard and not seen' currently stinks. You have to look at why other countries, especially in Europe, don't have such problems - or at least to nowhere near this extent.




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Unfortunately it's a scenario becoming all too depressingly familiar. Feral scrotes completely out of control, the result of useless parents, a litany of complaints from local residents, the police and courts do the square root of eff-all about it, which convinces the disgusting little shits that they can get away with anything.


What follows is a lot of useless hand-wringing and the usual weasle words from those who are ultimately responsible. And the parents? No surprises here - couldn't give a toss. Time for zero tolerance.

Had a scheme like this been running in Bacup then Sophie Lancaster might still be alive.


I think it's an excellent idea. I like the idea of the scrotes under a curfew and their useless parents with them. It's OUR society, not theirs, and they will find out that we can enforce OUR rules on their disgusting behaviour. And before the tree-huggers start their usual chest-beating about curtailing the rights of the peaceable majority etc etc here are some interesting quotes from Redruth:


Community groups have welcomed Operation Goodnight. Ann Mitchell, 60, chairwoman of the Helping Hands residents’ association, said: “It is only a minority of kids who cause the problem. It tends to be underage drinking, petty vandalism and verbal abuse. Some of the language is awful."


Parents in the Close Hill area, where the curfew will be enforced, were mostly positive about the idea. Nicki Summers, 37, a mother of two teenage boys, said: “Everyone around here knows who the bad lads are. It’s the same few every time and their parents are just as bad. The more police action the better.”

You can be sure the boys in blue also know who to target so in theory it should only affect those who shouldn't be on our streets.


Wait and see mode.

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More dealing with the symptoms and not the causes. It is only a minority that actually cause the problems (the old pareto parento 80:20 rule) and they should be tackled IMO rather than any blanket approach. The problem though with fining parents Sharon and Dave is that they may then take it out on poor old Chesney and Kylie - and what does fining or curfews achieve in reality anyway - surely they just hide the problems?


These are fundamental cultural problems, that need fundamental cultural solutions to sort them out. I think we need to throw away the book and start thinking again how we can sort this out, because so many parents and parts of the education system are failing miserably, and the whole British attitude to all this (and each other), and the attitude that children should be 'not heard and not seen' currently stinks. You have to look at why other countries, especially in Europe, don't have such problems - or at least to nowhere near this extent.


In Europe the police are armed and they will use their weapons. In the UK (and here) they are not armed and basically cannot touch the kids for fear of being sued or accused of child abuse. In fact they can hardly speak to unruly kids. If a curfew system gives the police more power over the untouchables, I am all for it.

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It's got nothing to do with the police being armed or not, that's complete and utter bs. In the riots in France in late 2005 I don't believe a single rioter was killed during the disturbances. What put an end to them was Sarkozy declaring he was going to "wash the scum from the streets" and invoking curfews and threatening to return to country of origin those arrested without french nationality. The riots fizzled out and he was elected on the strength of it.


It's the same everywhere. No-one wants scum on their streets. Folks want to be able to go about their business without being sworn at, threatened and intimidated by groups of feral scrotes. It's not exactly rocket science.

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This would mean that kids couldn't attend Scout, Guide, Army cadets, sports or youth club etc without being collected by their parents. It just seems that this would punish every kid and parent in the land for the actions of a relatively few evil little gits and their no hoper so called parents!


The answer is to show everyone the consequences of their actions or lack of it. Borstal wasn't an all together bad idea!

Just keep out of the greenhouse!!

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Finally, I'm never sure what people expect parents to do. How influential would people say their parents were on their teen years? In my experience it is the company teenagers keep that is much more influential.


well i would say i prob hung round with what u call the worst group of teens u could think off,

and the Main reason i never did anything to bad,

the beating i would get when i got home,(only thing that used to make me see sence) the dissapointment it would bring to them,

i was still never a angel and did get in to some bad trouble, but i normaly learned the first time,


i think it has everything to do with the parents


Borstal wasn't an all together bad idea!

Just keep out of the greenhouse!!


ha ha, havent seen that film for years!!!

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Finally, I'm never sure what people expect parents to do. How influential would people say their parents were on their teen years? In my experience it is the company teenagers keep that is much more influential.


well i would say i prob hung round with what u call the worst group of teens u could think off,

and the Main reason i never did anything to bad,

the beating i would get when i got home,(only thing that used to make me see sence) the dissapointment it would bring to them,

i was still never a angel and did get in to some bad trouble, but i normaly learned the first time,


i think it has everything to do with the parents

Doesn't this just support my point though? Despite the beatings (which is some way beyond 'taking responsibility') and the disappointments, you still got into trouble anyway? From your description, the reaction of your parents only reduced the influence of the group you went round with, but the fact remains that it was the company you kept that resulted in your actions.

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If this brilliant cunning plan works to reduce juvenile crime, can we hope it may be applied to reduce the much greater incidence of adult crime ? i mean we mustnt forget, adults misbehave also.

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Finally, I'm never sure what people expect parents to do. How influential would people say their parents were on their teen years? In my experience it is the company teenagers keep that is much more influential.


well i would say i prob hung round with what u call the worst group of teens u could think off,

and the Main reason i never did anything to bad,

the beating i would get when i got home,(only thing that used to make me see sence) the dissapointment it would bring to them,

i was still never a angel and did get in to some bad trouble, but i normaly learned the first time,


i think it has everything to do with the parents

Doesn't this just support my point though? Despite the beatings (which is some way beyond 'taking responsibility') and the disappointments, you still got into trouble anyway? From your description, the reaction of your parents only reduced the influence of the group you went round with, but the fact remains that it was the company you kept that resulted in your actions.



well no not really,

cause once i learned the lesson i diden,

u have to learn from your mistakes,

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My first thought was that there are far more adults than teens who need a curfew imposed on them.

My second was that I'm sick of seeing kids as young as ten or eleven riding their bikes around the streets of Douglas late at night. What the hell are their parents thinking of letting them out on bikes - without any lights - at that hour of the night?

My third was that curfews are not likely to work - the police have enough to do as it is and the chances are that anything done under this order would require about thirty forms to be filled in.

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There is nothing new in any of this. They have been able to impose these orders for several years now. However they can't just frog-march off any kid they don't like. It enables them to break up groups that the residents complain about. Basically they know who the troublemakers are so they cart them off as appropriate. So all this business about not being able to go to the cinema, Boy Sprouts etc is irrelevant. The aim is so that normal behaviour like that can go on without the feral scrotes taking the piss. Well, if "Scouting For Boys" could be called normal behaviour that is...

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