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E3 2008

K.os Theory

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So it's nearly upon us, one of the biggest gaming expo's around, just wondering what if anything people are keeping their eyes open for?


For me I'm hoping that Sony finally get their act together with their exclusives : Killzone, Resistance2, God of War 3 and LittleBigPlanet


for the Xbox360 : BanjoKazooie, Gears2, Fable2 & Left4Dead


biggest game for me though has to be Fallout3!!! :cool:


also looking forward to more info on : Soulcaliber4, Mirrors Edge and hopefully Diablo3

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More info on Bioshock for PS3. Killzone 2 and Resistance 2.


That plus Gears or War 2 will do for me.


Sony and Microsoft announcing that they have decided that motion sensing controllers are shite and they aren't bothering with making any would be nice too

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