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E3 2008

K.os Theory

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Also, nice to see the anti-sony propaganda machine seizing on the "we're just scratching the surface at the moment, wait to see what we've got coming up in the coming months and years" quote and turning into a negative "oh no, our games are shit" headline. Awesome.


Did you not think there was a hint of the defensive though? Which other house had developers on saying 'Yeah, we used to suck at writing games for this console, but now we rock!'? Which other house was stressing that theirs was a ten year cycle, which hasn't actually started yet? Which other house was demonstrating pretty much all the same stuff they showed last year that still isn't out? And ten mins to painfully demonstrate a very simple movie menu system, 'you can see metadata, such as the length of the movie!', wow!


Don't get me wrong, MS's embarrasing mother and nintendo's god awful display of casual gaming wasn't any better, but I think a lot of the comments levelled at sony are justified this year, they really didn't have much of a showing.

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