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Teenagers Report Mum For Dd!

Max Power

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This story is upsetting in as much that at one time a proper family would sort out it's problems without having to involve the police. They should have been able to call on someone who could deal with their mother and sort her out!


What story?

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This story is upsetting in as much that at one time a proper family would sort out it's problems without having to involve the police. They should have been able to call on someone who could deal with their mother and sort her out!


Sounds like she has a drink problem which led to her endangering lives on a regular basis. So calling on "someone who could deal with their mother and sort her out" was exactly what they did. How else would a "proper" family deal with it?

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Yes, it seems that the elder sisters reported the mum because she was driving round pissed carrying their younger sister in the car. If it stops the mum killing the youngest sister (or some other innocent party) then good on them.


I agree completely, it's just that it seems a shame that it was left to these poor girls to have to make such a decision. Where was the father or other older relatives or friends in all this.


What I'm saying is that if people took it on themselves to deal with family members who get out of line, it would free up the courts and police time and prevent them from ending up with criminal records!


(This was in the news the other day as the case was in court) :ph34r:

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It's hardly the other family members who are to blame for her getting a criminal record. She committed a crime, and was dealt with appropriately. You're using twisted logic here about freeing up the courts and police time. They are there to deal with criminals, and that's what they did.


What you're advocating is that people shouldn't report family members who commit crimes. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't, but it's not wrong for people to do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's hardly the other family members who are to blame for her getting a criminal record. She committed a crime, and was dealt with appropriately. You're using twisted logic here about freeing up the courts and police time. They are there to deal with criminals, and that's what they did.


What you're advocating is that people shouldn't report family members who commit crimes. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't, but it's not wrong for people to do it.


I think he's saying that it would have been better if the situation had never got to this point in the first place?

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