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Ramsey Pier To Be Demolished?


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Good grief you get up early.

I do happen to think Ramsey is great, or at least has the potential to aspire to greatness. My comparisons are some of the largest cities and most cosmopolitan towns in Great Britain and Europe. I have gotten "out a bit more" and didn't necessarily like what I saw. I have settled here now and would like to see it thrive, or at least return to excellence. There will be mocking of that sentiment no doubt, it will not stop me supporting and trying to improve Ramsey.

The constant critisism is wearing and getting pretty boring. I understand local rivalry and jokes about Foxdale or Laxey having some clannish humour to them, I'm not stupid. Al I ask is that any critisism is positive, if you have an opinion about what will help or improve Ramsey, let's have it.

Give us the money to fix the pier, it can be the catalyst for regeneration that Ramsey needs. A rusting hulk in the bay is no advert for a lively and dynamic town, it just drags it down and depresses visitors who can't understand why the Government allow such a structure to fall into disrepair deliberately, it is deliberate for sure, the reasons aren't public yet but I suspect a bias towards Douglas by the local politicians has something to do with it. The pier will never be a landing stage for ferries, they put paid to that idea with the 'adrift barge' scam a few years back. It will never be commercially viable, like Laxey wheel et al. It will just be somewhere pleasant to walk and fish from, why not?

Help, don't hinder is all I ask.

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I for one think that the renovation of the pier would attract more visitors than the Camera Obscura, ...think how nice it would be on a summers evening with something like the Waverly berthed alongside picking up passengers for a trip around the island..BEAUTIFUL..


Start another online petition :rolleyes: ..just maybe someone will take notice

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I for one think that the renovation of the pier would attract more visitors than the Camera Obscura, ...think how nice it would be on a summers evening with something like the Waverly berthed alongside picking up passengers for a trip around the island..BEAUTIFUL..


Start another online petition :rolleyes: ..just maybe someone will take notice

I agree - used to really love walking along it as a kid. For all we say about the UK a lot of piers over there have been renovated. It is ironic that some projects mentioned in this Forum don't seem to need any cost justification for the Government to support them but something that would benefit the general public and help revitalise Ramsay cannot get funds. The DoT seems to have more clout than the Dept of Tourism.

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Can the money not be spent more purposefull yin Rmasey though? A couple of million quid coud dturn the Mooragh Park into the nicest open air play area on the Island and have enough left over for a lick of paint along the harbour (subsidise the business to do up their premises).

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Can the money not be spent more purposefull yin Rmasey though? A couple of million quid coud dturn the Mooragh Park into the nicest open air play area on the Island and have enough left over for a lick of paint along the harbour (subsidise the business to do up their premises).


For me though there's no silver bullet solution, the whole of Ramsey town from the square to St. Pauls needs a rebuild.

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I agree - used to really love walking along it as a kid. For all we say about the UK a lot of piers over there have been renovated. It is ironic that some projects mentioned in this Forum don't seem to need any cost justification for the Government to support them but something that would benefit the general public and help revitalise Ramsay cannot get funds. The DoT seems to have more clout than the Dept of Tourism.

Lets face it, the Government doesn't want anything to do with Ramsey and would probably smile if it disappeared completely. I mean, why would they want to regenerate that area and make it into something better for the North of the island and the bottom line is, whats in it for them?

The reference of Ramsey being a poor relation to the wealthy powerhouse Douglas has often been mentioned in previous posts and although the fat cats in suits who might read this article by accident, whilst munching away on a lobster thermidor paid by the tax payers which include Ramsey, I doubt if it would even stir a single feeling within them, unless they had consultants to say otherwise.


It would be interesting however, to see where each individual MHK stands on their personal viewpoints on restoring or removing the pier as this would at least indicate some decision making processes whilst they're eating and I suppose they could at least say they had a gut feeling! :blink:

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What's in it for Ramsey? What do the people of Ramsey want their town to be? What kind of businesses do they want to attract? What kind of people do they want to attract to Ramsey? What's its niche going to be? What does Ramsey want to offer the people of the Isle of Man? What does Ramsey want to offer visitors? What are Ramsey Commissioners doing? Are they being held accountable by the public for their actions (or lack thereof)? Where are the grassroots organisations looking to set an agenda for Ramsey's regeneration? Why have the Friends of Queen's Pier not updated their website for five years? Why is no one looking to integrate the area's history as an invasion site into the town's attractions? Where are the public works of art?


Oh I forgot, Ramsey's doomed unless central Government finances the restoration of their pier. Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed.

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Didn't the last survey of the pier find that the iron was in pretty good condition overall?


Oh and I think you'll find that "Triskellions" assertion that the website has not been updated for five years ,is utter Bollocks!

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Oh and I think you'll find that "Triskellions" assertion that the website has not been updated for five years ,is utter Bollocks!

None of the pages have been modified since December 2003, so you are at best technically correct.


Based on the above photos, I'll concede the view is much, much better than I expected.


EDIT: Only now do I realise they have two websites, the one at the top of the results on google hasn't been updated since 2003.

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Should the pier be demolished, no it should not. One has only too look at resorts who once had a pier but no longer.Take New Brighton, once had a pier,one that the ferries used to bring daytrippers from Liverpool for a day out. It was demolished, now all the talk here is about building a new one.

Once a pier is demolished that is it,it is gone and will not be brought back, those who do the demolishing will look back and wish they hadn't.

Don't let the pier go, it is part of Ramey's heritage and history.

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