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Proof: Germans Do Have Sense Of Humour


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World-record 70,000 watch German comedian Barth


Some 70,000 people packed the Olympic Stadium in Berlin on Saturday night for a show by German comedian Mario Barth, setting a new world record for the number of people to watch a stand-up comic.


The 35-year-old comic, a Berlin native, is known for broad humor about gender stereotypes. On Saturday he hit familiar notes with jokes about shopping-addicted women, macho men and beer.


The arena had been sold out for months for the show, the final stop on Barth’s two-and-a-half-year tour “Men are primitive, but happy.” The solo shows sold 1.7 million tickets.


Before the show, Barth said American comedian Jerry Seinfeld was perplexed when he heard of the world record attempt.


“He couldn’t imagine that a single man would perform in front of so many people,” Barth said.


The crowd at the Berlin show was more than four times larger than the previous world record-holder, a 15,900-person show by American comedian Chris Rock in London, a Guinness World Records spokesman said.








Better cars, better economy, and now we even have the better comedians - not looking too good for Blighty :)

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Didn't they break that record at Neurenburg some years ago, in the thirties?


Yes I believe they did!


In fact, the show was so successful they took it on a tour of europe :D

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Better cars, better economy, and now we even have the better comedians - not looking too good for Blighty :)

They all look Austrian to me (like Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart)...sorry Amadeus only joking.


But I am not sure about the better cars...even though I drive one. I thought the Honda Jazz was numero uno for customer satisfaction. Now that Range Rovers and Jaguars are Indian...other than Morgan (the only car in the world whose body shape is patented - and whose biggest export market is Germany) are there any other Pommy cars? TVR is Russian I think? Black cabs?

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I think the German keeper lost his sense of humor after the Eurocup

Blaming the Italian Referee for fixing the match, that is after the Italians were knocked out by the Spanish team. Go figure!


They have a sense of humor whilst they are victorious



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I thought the German Daleks in Dr Who recently were great.

I nearly fell off my chair when I watched that - Dr Who is strange anyway, but German Daleks? :wacko:


And it's "Nürnberg", understood? I don't care if you don't have the letter 'ü' in your alphabet - there is no town called "Nuremberg" - In the same way that there is no such thing as a Porsch - it's a Porsche - see that 'e' there at the end? Say it! Say Porsche or I call my German Dalek friends and have you exterminiert, jawohl!

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