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'Think not what your health service can do for you, but what you can do for your health service yourselves' - blimey Kennedy lives.


All part of the demonisation of the next bunch to get it in the neck - the obese and the drinkers. Beware, some people won't be happy until everyone who doesn't meet the criteria of 'ideal state citizen' (that includes you bacon butty munchers too) will be demonised to the extent they won't get treated in the future. Maybe politicians should think about their own lifestyles first before they lecture other people - I know a few who could do with getting quite a bit more exercise.

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All part of the demonisation of the next bunch to get it in the neck - the obese and the drinkers. Beware, some people won't be happy until everyone who doesn't meet the criteria of 'ideal state citizen' (that includes you bacon butty munchers too) will be demonised to the extent they won't get treated in the future.

Does that mean in future we won't be allowed to eat chips and gravy with the celebrties at that Dickensian restaurant caff?


A knock at the door...TVLA???? No the menu police....

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not that long ago the islands economy used to be measured by the girth of a cetain politicians neck - perhaps if eddie put on a few stone he'd be more sympathetic to the obese. Any suggestions for a paragon of poor health as the next DHSS Minister.

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