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Cod 4 Deathmatch Competition


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I love COD4 but I'm proper shit at it. I only get to play it maybe every couple of weeks at most, so I've only got to level 19 and I probably get whacked about 4 times to each kill I get but it's still ace fun. (PS3 btw)


Knoxville dude - if you want someone you can easily 'pwn' on PS3 add me on your list - Cretster



For the record, I've only bought from Gamesmaster once (as despite having a million consoles I never have time to use them so therefore hardly ever buy games), but the service was spot on. Very friendly, and when the power supply packed in on the PSP I bought (used) there was no hassle about getting the problem sorted out. I'd go there again, but not specifically to Ramsey to buy games as it's too much juice money.

But for the record (pt2) - the posts made on this thread are not condusive to good business, and yes, I have been involved with service jobs for a long time at various levels, and have always been commended on it.


Don't cut your nose off to spite your face. If nothing else it would be wise to make an in thread distraction to steer people away from the beligerant comments earlier on. JMTPW.


Dunno if this has been posted on MF elsewhere but it's game related so I'll bang it on here as it's ace:



Ho ho ho.

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I love COD4 but I'm proper shit at it. I only get to play it maybe every couple of weeks at most, so I've only got to level 19 and I probably get whacked about 4 times to each kill I get but it's still ace fun. (PS3 btw)


Knoxville dude - if you want someone you can easily 'pwn' on PS3 add me on your list - Cretster



For the record, I've only bought from Gamesmaster once (as despite having a million consoles I never have time to use them so therefore hardly ever buy games), but the service was spot on. Very friendly, and when the power supply packed in on the PSP I bought (used) there was no hassle about getting the problem sorted out. I'd go there again, but not specifically to Ramsey to buy games as it's too much juice money.

But for the record (pt2) - the posts made on this thread are not condusive to good business, and yes, I have been involved with service jobs for a long time at various levels, and have always been commended on it.


Don't cut your nose off to spite your face. If nothing else it would be wise to make an in thread distraction to steer people away from the beligerant comments earlier on. JMTPW.


Dunno if this has been posted on MF elsewhere but it's game related so I'll bang it on here as it's ace:



Ho ho ho.


WOOF - your getting added im ( manxman27) - i look forward to the blood shed lol

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