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Tell It As It Is - Now Do Something


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Its not clear to me at all, tis only her opinion. The "problem" has more than one cause and to concentrate just on parents is doomed to failure. You cannot make bad parents good if they dont want to, and bye the bye, where do the good kids come from? I have known bad kids from good parents and good kids from bad parents----blanket faulting does not work.

Look to womens emancipation and the loss of the extended families.

A police force reluctant to police, they prefer to act in retrospect

Apathy in educaton with little time for those not progressing thru to higher education.

The example they see in adults think promenade on a saturday night----learn children


There are many more reasons than these, some we can change many we cannot.

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This is one of those 'the earth is round not flat' statements of the self-evident - still it says something about society that it is newsworthy.

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Well it's a start for an MHK realising there's a problem. All we need to do now is close all the pubs, make adultery a capital offence, ban divorce, pay people less so they can't afford playstations, force women to stay at home with their children and make religion compulsory so people once again have the fear of god in them - and stone all those that don't agree.


So we could all become muslims, or here's one for the MHKs to think about - stop f****** taxing us so much and pissing our money away, so that we don't have to spend 15 hours a day out making a 'living' and keep a roof over our heads and can spend time with our kids. You and your ilk helped create the problem Mrs Craine.

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It's all the fault of the 79-97 Tory government in my opinion. The lack of responsibility and community brought about by Thatcherism.

There is even the idea that the Thatch be given a state funeral, can't be soon enough for me!

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The example they see in adults think promenade on a saturday night----learn children


There are many more reasons than these, some we can change many we cannot.


All the more call for curfew then.


It is the parents, full stop. In their early, formative years, 90% of everything kids learn is from the parents. Whether it be apparently responsible husband shouting at wife or kicking the family pet, single mother who is a bit of a slapper, or council house dad fiddling benefits, everything is a lesson.


One thing people seem to forget, respect is earned, not assumed. Adults have to earn that respect and until there is a total change of mindset it will not happen.

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It's all the fault of the 79-97 Tory government in my opinion. The lack of responsibility and community brought about by Thatcherism.

There is even the idea that the Thatch be given a state funeral, can't be soon enough for me!


When Thatcher dies I'm planning to pour a bottle of good scotch whiskey over her grave in tribute. It will be passing through my kidneys first.

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"'The wealthy society in which we live in today has created a neglect of our children unlike any neglect of previous generations,' Mrs Craine said."


Except social problems are greater amongst those at the lower ends of the wealth scale.


Cambon: Your points are mutally exclusive. You cannot call for a curfew then say bad parenting is to blame, as the former will only increase the influence of the latter.


To be honest I don't think any of these problems are particularly new, but it's painfully apparent that the Minister has not actually stated what she thinks Government can do about it.

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It's all the fault of the 79-97 Tory government in my opinion. The lack of responsibility and community brought about by Thatcherism.


I'd have to disagree with that. The UK was in a right mess under the previous Labour government and sinking fast. It needed someone strong to sort it out.


I'd have to agree to some extent with Cambon. Some of today's parents don't seem to have grown up for themselves. They still dress like kids and don't seem to have matured at all. They treat the children as friends and don't seem to instill any form of discipline or respect for others, their property or society as a whole.

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Myself I partialy blame the labour govt for introducing a state of affairs where a police officer/teacher/parent etc cannot enforce any form of discipline on kids without fear of prosecution, unfortunately it is now drifting to here now, the second thing is lack of facilities for kids and when they do hang around together in public all they get is moved along even if they all they are doing is making noise by laughing, seems some adults resent kids being happy. I fully agree with parents being part responsible for teaching kids values but you cannot blame working parents for being absent, many of us grew up in the 60,s with both parents at work during the summer holidays but the level of crime wasn't as high then, and why? Because if you did get caught doing something you ended up in the shit from several parties, the worst of wich was usualy home. So lets stop trying to find a party to blame and instead look into what works and how community values can be re instaled into kids and start spending some money on giving them something to do they can enjoy.

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Cambon: Your points are mutally exclusive. You cannot call for a curfew then say bad parenting is to blame, as the former will only increase the influence of the latter.



Not really. Imposing a curfew means that either the kids have to be at home of have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian, in which case they are more likely to behave. Actually, I never mentioned bad parenting, only education.


Jimbms - I cannot agree with you over the lack of facilities. Kids today have far more than we ever did back in the 60s/70s. And yes we all got in trouble, we all got told off, we all learned from our mistakes. I got the cane at school, I got stopped for speeding by the police on my push bike with my mother stood at the bus stop across the road, set the house on fire and got the beating of my life. I did not try to take my parents to court and divorce them, or have them locked up for assault, or seek compensation for things that were essentially my fault.


Unfortunately, it is the subsequent generations who seem unable to take responsibility for their actions.

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Its not clear to me at all, tis only her opinion. The "problem" has more than one cause and to concentrate just on parents is doomed to failure. You cannot make bad parents good if they dont want to, and bye the bye, where do the good kids come from? I have known bad kids from good parents and good kids from bad parents----blanket faulting does not work.

I too have known bad kids from good parents and good kids from bad parents but they are exceptions and that makes them, well, exceptional. In the main the scum on the streets are the result of crap parents. This gives two problems:

1. You have to deal with the here and now i.e. the feral scrotes on our streets

2. You have to try and turn the tide of future rubbish parents turning out ever more scummy kids.


The Thatcher "State Funeral" issue was discussed on R4 PM yesterday. I nearly totalled the car in disbelief. Some clown was trying to compare her to Chuchill! What complete and utter crap. Churchill united the nation, Thatcher divided it. End of.

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You can't kill the undead.


See the "Comic Strip Presents: GLC" :)

Too late anyway - she morphed into Tony Blair in the 90s, though something went horribly wrong on the last regeneration when she turned into Gordon Broon - she didn't even resemble anything human and had a weird voice - I saw it - it was horrible I tells yer - horrible!

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