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Guess Which Effort Got The Higher Mark.


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Effort A:

"If he wasent doing enthing els heel help his uncle Herry at the funfair during the day. And had stoody at nigh on other thing he did was invent new rides.

"Becoues he invented a lot of new rides he won a prize. He didn’t live with his mum he lived with his wife."


Effort B:

"Quickly, it became apparent that Pip was a fantastic rider: a complete natural. But it was his love of horses that led to a tragic accident. An accident that would change his life forever.

"At the age of 7, he was training for a local competition when his horse, Mandy, swerved sideways unexpectedly, throwing Pip on to the ground, paralysed."


You've probably guessed but, in case you haven't: Both children were awarded five out of eight for sentence structure. Child A was given eight out of twelve for composition and effect while Child B received only seven marks.



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Effort A:

"If he wasent doing enthing els heel help his uncle Herry at the funfair during the day. And had stoody at nigh on other thing he did was invent new rides.

"Becoues he invented a lot of new rides he won a prize. He didn’t live with his mum he lived with his wife."


I've seen worse on here.

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There was a Story abount a lad who wrote "Fuck off!" on his paper and was awarded a percentage of the mark because it had punctuation. will try and find it.


Edit: yea he got 7.5% for it, loads of stuff on google about it. times article


The bit about that question that was missed by most of the media was that the question was worth 27 marks. I think I'd have told them to fuck off too if they'd asked me to gain 27 marks for describing a sports hall full of kids who didn't want to be there. I was amazed that it was considered worthy as a question on a GCSE paper, even for the base level exams. Shouldn't they be asked to use their imagination a little rather than simply saying what they see?

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There was a Story abount a lad who wrote "Fuck off!" on his paper and was awarded a percentage of the mark because it had punctuation. will try and find it.


Edit: yea he got 7.5% for it, loads of stuff on google about it. times article

The bit you missed was that his mark would have been increased to 11% had he put a ! at the end. so "Are you serious? What? Fuck that!" I claim my 17%

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I don't see what the problem is, a kid to write that after a life of deprivation and possibly abuse at the hands of authority figures against a hand reared dyed in the wool snot from a public (private) school.

I think the boy done good.

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this is bonkers, the marks awarded present the unfortunate less advanced child with the impression that he/she is in fact clever, and the bright or hard working child is given a slap down. No wander we have so many wasters prepared to spend their pointless lives living of the backs of everyone else.


If a child isn't acedemically bright it should be recognised and suitable support and encouragement given to help him/her find a vocation or skill which will enable them to find useful employment at a level at which their comfortable.


Hiding the fact by marking up utter dross only builds up expectations which patently they are not going to achieve and avoids one of the harsh realities of life and that is that not everyone in this world is either gifted enough or dedicated enough to achieve high qualifications.


This is just an extension of the removal of the winners and loosers at school sports days and frankly is utter crap.

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But schools just do not teach grammar (or at least on the UK side) and sentence construction.


Until you know the rules, how are you ever going to be able to construct a sentence?


We were talking about this at work today, in a different context, and my colleague suggested that if you get your meaning over then, perhaps, it is OK. Well, it isn't. Your message has to be crystal clear; you can afford a degree of ambiguity and approximation in informal communication such as personal text, MSN or email. But, everyone, surely, should have enough grasp of their mother tongue to put their thoughts across is a clear way. Even more so when you are working in an industry where the written word is your medium; you must be able to use that medium clearly, correctly and confidently. Doubt that many school leavers could do that.

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you must be able to use that medium clearly, correctly and confidently. Doubt that many school leavers could do that.


yep just look at my posts!!!!


and i left 10 years ago :rolleyes:


have to agree if your crap tell them thay are crap, but show/teach them how to do it right, yes sometimes that person may never get it right we all cant be perfect, but dont make them out to be something there not,

because once thay leave school there in for a major life change, if thay allways been told how great thay are when infact there just crap

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The marks do look odd, but presumably what is shown is only one paragraph of a larger essay so we have no idea what was written to gain or loose Marks.


With regard to the second quote, I presume the punctuation is correct but with all those commas and a use of a colon if you had given that sentence to me unpunctuated and asked me to do so I would struggle. OK, I would fail and I guess a majority would do. That was supposedly written by an 11 year old which in my view means she either she is unnatuarly good at English or I suspect something Dodgy is going on.

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I think you need to see a bit more of what schools on the island are achieving. I had a look at my 10 year olds school books this week and was shocked to see the standard of work they are doing, and I wouldn't even say he's the brightest in his year. My 14 year old has lost me completely in sciences and mathematics and the latter was my strongest subject at school.

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you must be able to use that medium clearly, correctly and confidently. Doubt that many school leavers could do that.


yep just look at my posts!!!!


and i left 10 years ago :rolleyes:


have to agree if your crap tell them thay are crap, but show/teach them how to do it right, yes sometimes that person may never get it right we all cant be perfect, but dont make them out to be something there not,

because once thay leave school there in for a major life change, if thay allways been told how great thay are when infact there just crap






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