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[BBC News] Gas customers face new price hike


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I expect they called and you were out. I am usually out too. I do not see a particular charge for meter readings.


I know from living in Bayern, the meter reader call once a year and the rest of the years reading are estimates in the Vaterland. Don't really want that here.


Do you do your own reads? The Gas/Electric advise you to on their bill to if you disagree with the estimate.


No big deal for me

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Both our meter boxes are outside and can be accessed at all times, part of the charges are for meter reading so why charge for something that's done by the house holder if estimated,


Its nice to see that fuel prices in the UK came down by 4 to 5p per lt today due to what the super markets say is the drop in oil prices, yet no price reduction here


Latest UK prices


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Not sure about Manx Gas but the MEA target is actual readings for 3 out of 4 quarters. Of course this isn;t always hit for every property but the person who told you about the credit situation was wrong. If you are in credit, you are entitled to make whatever DD payment you want - irrespective of estimated or actual reading and you are fully entitled to give your own reading (as long as it's above the last actual reading of course). If the Authority complains about your reading then they have to check the figure themselves by sending a meter reader round.


Any credit on your bill can be reclaimed on application


Not sure why you think the OFT should get involved in this as the MEA do try to provide bills on actual readings unlike the UK where the regulator allows a 25% actual reading level.

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But it is not terribly difficult to write down 5 or 6 numbers in the correct order then phone up the Gas/Electric.


Hey presto! no estimated bills.


I have no problem with reading the meters and sending the data in but why should I and others still pay the meter reading charge

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Do you know what this charge amounts to? I don't believe there is one.


Normally the Gasman calls every 2 months and the 'lecky every 3 months. I can't see how sacking the meter readers and reading your own would qualify for much of a discount. There must be over 25,000 properties to read.


I have a plumber mate who says there are always people who do a little job indoors while he is working for them, then try to squeeze discount when it is time to pay up.


Surely when we sign up for a supply we know a meter reader will call several times during the year and we are invited to supply a read for the power/gas we have used if he cannot gain access.


The companies would have to assume every customer is honest and we know they are not

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