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[BBC News] Island's ageing population crisis


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I'd be a fool if I was. As one of the House of Keys' older members, the opening fight will be between him and Allan Bell (So both can demonstrate their commitment to doing whatever it takes to solve the Island's problems). Both will be armed with cutthroat razors and hammers in what promises to be a very special evening for all the family.


Book now and get your free Allan Bell commemorative action figure, complete with kung fu grip and realistic swivelling eyes.

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They'll fix the problem with one swift pension cut (cut the retirement lump sums from the .gov pensions) even though people have signed contracts and paid into those pensions for years.

Yep that'll go some way of paying for the coffin dodgers who came here for the easy life, frolicking in the sand and sea and basking in the sun whilst drinking lots of sangria. Or alternatively playing golf in the rain.


Cue the "We comeover pensioners should get the same pension along with supplement as our Manx counterparts, even though we haven't paid a penny into it arguement".

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Everyone reaching retirement age should be entitled to free cocaine & viagra


End of pensions crisis

Hey...what happened to monkey glands?

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I summon the arch-demon 'Tatlock' to deliver most foul and venomous criticism of Government's demographic management...

Whilst you are waiting for the spectre to appear out of the mists, this is yet another example of 'it ain't rocket science' - ageing populations, the 'baby boomer effect' and their demands on the 21st century health and pensions systems is (very) old news...what would be really frightening is if this was the first time the DHSS, their Minister and the MHKs have discussed it. Like 20 years too late...demographic projections are one of the more certain of the statistical black arts.


I wonder if anyone has told them of the effect on tax raising????


As Eddie (Tearaway) says

there are difficult decisions that we cannot run away from

- is this a first for the MHKs? (I am being cynical Triskelion)



I believe that a skeleton of an early MHK found at the airport excavations may go some way to explain the sedentary nature of Manx Politics :lol:


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