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Empty Houses


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Since about '98 its been murder trying to get a parking place around our house (Douglas, near Broadway). Even since then then there have been two empty guest houses made into flats with even more people and their cars. As you would expect, parking spaces have been at a premium.


However . . . . and strangely. . . . over the past 4-5 months we always seem to be able to get a place to park, at any time, whereas before it was more or less impossible.



Any theories out there?


If you've been murdering people just to get a parking space for the last 6 years can I suggest that you've managed to kill all your neighbours hence the ease with which you are parking ?


I'll get me coat.

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Since about '98 its been murder trying to get a parking place around our house (Douglas, near Broadway). Even since then then there have been two empty guest houses made into flats with even more people and their cars. As you would expect, parking spaces have been at a premium.


However . . . . and strangely. . . . over the past 4-5 months we always seem to be able to get a place to park, at any time, whereas before it was more or less impossible.


Any theories out there?


Well just now near us (residential area), its unusually easy to get parked because so many people have gone 'home' for Christmas and New Year. It goes to show how many people are transient.


Yep, when the finance industry up sticks and moves there'll be plenty of houses and flats about for those that are left here. And parking spaces.

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well who can trust an estate agent they all seem to say different things.


six months ago they said everything is great loads of houses selling now look at it, there are loads of for sale signs up but they seem to be all saying for sale i aint seen a sold sign for ages.


the boom has gone and personally i am glad to see it, i also think there is no need to be building loads of houses because there seems to be plenty up for sale.


what i would like to see is a Self Build scheme for people like myself that can do a self build and don't have to pay £60.000 to £70.000 to a developer.


all the government need to do is zone land for building plots for first timers and sell them off at a price most people my age can afford.


but i guess it takes a clever man to be able to do something like that so i will not hold my breathe

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the boom has gone and personally i am glad to see it


Um, you do realise that the 'boom' dying off is an indication of the downturn in the economy. Unfortunately, this is something that effects everyone, including you, so for you to welcome something that could potentially put you out of a job, makes you look very foolish indeed.


Prices will just have to fall. People just can't afford the houses on the market right now and the few who can, are choosing to stay where they are until the economy settles. I'm trying to sell my own house right now and it's an awful market for sellers too.


Also, I suspect a clever man might spell 'breath' right.

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A friend of mine has just paid £250,000 for a house in Ballawattleworth in Peel. 3 bedrooms,a bathroom, small living room and a kitchen/diner.


For a quarter of a million!


Said friend is starting to see his arse a bit because he's realising that he may soon be in negative equity and stuck with a house he can't sell.


Another friend has just sold his house for £40,000 less than the original asking price of £172,000 that was put on it 8 months ago.


A sign of the times?

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Personally, I think the housing market cooled as a direct result of tactical rises in interest rates designed for that purpose and has therefore been effective. People started doing the sums to reflect the effect of those increases and chose to sit tight. I don't think everything is all doom and gloom - I think that the housing market is just being forced to settle at a reasonable level.

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Um, you do realise that the 'boom' dying off is an indication of the downturn in the economy. Unfortunately, this is something that effects everyone, including you, so for you to welcome something that could potentially put you out of a job, makes you look very foolish indeed.
An economy which is 'booming' above the curve is no more healthly than an economy which is in depression. I know, you know that.


If unemployment is too low then there will be inadequate slack in the (useful) labour market - meaning, for example, that wages and therefore inflation will rise out of control -> resulting in the need for governments or the central bank to control money supply (= higher interest rates / Punitive taxation / wage controls). Interest rates here (as in Yorkshire, Glasgow, Liverpool etc) are set in London. Punitive taxation is frowned on.


Economically - I prefer slightly cloudy weather. I also believe it to be better for all concerned.

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well the government has land it can release plenty in fact.


as for welcoming a slow down yeah i do unlike most people i have not got myself in debt so i am fine when it comes down to it.


also i am self employed so i don't worry about my job lol unlike some others.


all i was saying that we have had 7 to 10 years of growth and that now we are going to go through a period of slow down.


i was talking to someone who has seen 2 "Booms" in his life over here and he said that they last for 7 to 10 years then it slows right down for another 7 to 10.


i remmember in the early 90's property was in decline and it will happen again mark my words.


i am just being realistic whats wrong with that.

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Being self employed doesn't offer any extra protection though, you still need customers to earn an income. If the economy takes a dip, chances are so will your income.


There's no guarantees in life, that's the one sure certainty.

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