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You Called Your Child What?


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You think that famous people call their children by some odd names . . . Clicky


A judge in New Zealand made a young girl a ward of court so that she could change the name she hated - Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii.


Judge Rob Murfitt said that the name embarrassed the nine-year-old and could expose her to teasing.


He attacked a trend of giving children bizarre names, citing several examples.


Officials had blocked Sex Fruit, Keenan Got Lucy and Yeah Detroit, he said, but Number 16 Bus Shelter, Violence and Midnight Chardonnay had been allowed.

Why on earth would you want to name your child "Number 16 Bus Shelter" or "Sex Fruit".

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SIR BOB GELDOF's daughter PEACHES is appealing to celebrities to give their children normal names, insisting her seven-word moniker has made her life hell.


The 16-year-old, whose full name is PEACHES HONEYBLOSSOM MICHELLE CHARLOTTE ANGEL VANESSA GELDOF, resents her bizarre string of names, and is even upset about her famous surname.


She says, "I hate ridiculous names, my weird name has haunted me all my life.


"I hate being famous; people claim to know me because of my surname."




19/01/2006 13:47


Not much new there, then.

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My name is unusual and when I was young (an eon ago)I hated it.

I longed to be called something "normal"

nowadays I love it although it is not as bizarre as those mentioned in the original post I hasten to add...

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It can be good to use a 'rare' name for your child. I named my daughter using a pop stars middle name, she hasn't had to change when she joined equity so saved £40 straight away, all her student friends did.

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One of my sons we gave the first 2 names as Adam Richard but at the time didn't think anything of it, over his school years he has taken great delight in signing either A Dick or Adam Dick much to the annoyance of teachers as they could not punish this as he was using his first name and a shortened version of his middle name.

Quick footnote to this. This is the same son who has now convinced half of UCLAN that I.O.M. has a 15 minute time lag and this needs to be taken into account when ringing him here at specified times, one of the Uni admin actualy rang 2 weeks ago at 2:15 as opposed to the specified 2pm

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Can't say, but if you guess you get a lollipop.

I didn't mean what was her name, it was the "she hasn't had to change when she joined equity so saved £40 straight away, all her student friends did." bit that I didn't quite understand.

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One of my sons we gave the first 2 names as Adam Richard but at the time didn't think anything of it, over his school years he has taken great delight in signing either A Dick or Adam Dick much to the annoyance of teachers as they could not punish this as he was using his first name and a shortened version of his middle name.

Quick footnote to this. This is the same son who has now convinced half of UCLAN that I.O.M. has a 15 minute time lag and this needs to be taken into account when ringing him here at specified times, one of the Uni admin actualy rang 2 weeks ago at 2:15 as opposed to the specified 2pm


Seems you named him quite appropriately then. :)

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