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You Called Your Child What?


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One of my sons we gave the first 2 names as Adam Richard but at the time didn't think anything of it, over his school years he has taken great delight in signing either A Dick or Adam Dick much to the annoyance of teachers as they could not punish this as he was using his first name and a shortened version of his middle name.

Quick footnote to this. This is the same son who has now convinced half of UCLAN that I.O.M. has a 15 minute time lag and this needs to be taken into account when ringing him here at specified times, one of the Uni admin actualy rang 2 weeks ago at 2:15 as opposed to the specified 2pm


Seems you named him quite appropriately then. :)

Correct, but at least he has the sense and decency to direct insults to the person not the rest of thier family

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Can't say, but if you guess you get a lollipop.

I didn't mean what was her name, it was the "she hasn't had to change when she joined equity so saved £40 straight away, all her student friends did." bit that I didn't quite understand.

If you want to work as a professional entertainer/actor you have to change your name to a unique moniker. If your name is already unique, no change and no fee payable.

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If you want to work as a professional entertainer/actor you have to change your name to a unique moniker. If your name is already unique, no change and no fee payable.

Aah I see

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I know someone who called her daughter Trellga *spelling*

apparently its Manx for little person who lives under the bridge?

You called your baby TROLL then!


Mine means chaos which some say is apt!

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I know someone who called her daughter Trellga *spelling*

apparently its Manx for little person who lives under the bridge?

You called your baby TROLL then!


Mine means chaos which some say is apt!



I did not specify in which language.LOL...

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One of my sons we gave the first 2 names as Adam Richard but at the time didn't think anything of it, over his school years he has taken great delight in signing either A Dick or Adam Dick much to the annoyance of teachers as they could not punish this as he was using his first name and a shortened version of his middle name.

Quick footnote to this. This is the same son who has now convinced half of UCLAN that I.O.M. has a 15 minute time lag and this needs to be taken into account when ringing him here at specified times, one of the Uni admin actualy rang 2 weeks ago at 2:15 as opposed to the specified 2pm


it could have been worse !!!your surname could have been Head !!.. A Dick Head ;):rolleyes:

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