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[BBC News] Smoking ban during health visits


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This makes sense I suppose. But it's the thin end of another wedge that could lead to smokers, then ex-smokers, then fat people, not getting any health care at all.


What next - health staff won't visit houses that aren't warm enough? That's just as valid in terms of health and safety at work, but there'll be plenty more of our old folk over the next few years who can't afford much heating over the winter.


I'm amazed the fire and rescue boys and girls are still allowed to put out blazes. "A burning building, Guv? Is that what you call a safe working environment? There might be an ashtray in there somewhere, or a packet of Benson's that spontaneously combusts".


Have you seen all the 'to let' ads in the paper? No children, no pets, no smokers. Isn't that discrimination? I'm tempted to phone a few and ask if they have a similar policy against people with Tourettes. No? What's the deposit then, c*nty big b*llocks?


Again, I'm not advocating smoking - I wish I didn't. I also wish the legislators who are institutionally hounding and hectoring smokers at every opportunity would have the moral backbone to ban the sale of tobacco completely, if it's so lethal.


Harassment of smokers continues

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But Stu, smoking is the new Satan (apparently)

Made me chuckle last night on the news they were ranting about Uma with a fag in Pulp Fiction.


PS I want Dans job........



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This makes sense I suppose. But it's the thin end of another wedge that could lead to smokers, then ex-smokers, then fat people, not getting any health care at all.


What next - health staff won't visit houses that aren't warm enough? That's just as valid in terms of health and safety at work, but there'll be plenty more of our old folk over the next few years who can't afford much heating over the winter.


I'm amazed the fire and rescue boys and girls are still allowed to put out blazes. "A burning building, Guv? Is that what you call a safe working environment? There might be an ashtray in there somewhere, or a packet of Benson's that spontaneously combusts".


Have you seen all the 'to let' ads in the paper? No children, no pets, no smokers. Isn't that discrimination? I'm tempted to phone a few and ask if they have a similar policy against people with Tourettes. No? What's the deposit then, c*nty big b*llocks?


Again, I'm not advocating smoking - I wish I didn't. I also wish the legislators who are institutionally hounding and hectoring smokers at every opportunity would have the moral backbone to ban the sale of tobacco completely, if it's so lethal.


Harassment of smokers continues



its not just the smokers, if I recall the hospital regularly issues warnings that people who suffer from particualr symptoms shouldn't visit.

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Again, I'm not advocating smoking - I wish I didn't. I also wish the legislators who are institutionally hounding and hectoring smokers at every opportunity would have the moral backbone to ban the sale of tobacco completely, if it's so lethal.

It's not the legislators, it's the the mealy-mouthed lobbyists and health fascists - and there's only a handful of them, fewer than most people think. It'll be the MEA and gas meter readers next...though it'll be a handy excuse to give to the TV licence inspectors - in order to protect them on the grounds of 'health and safety'.


People have no perspective of risk whatsoever these days. People are more likely to be killed in a car crash, or hit by a frozen block of piss dropped by an aeroplane - on the way to the visit.

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Smoking Gestapo in action




I'm telling you - Venezuela looks more and more appealing...


This is in my opinion an inappropriate and stupid application of the law and hopefully the individual will appeal and have the penalty quashed. Having said that such the fine appeared to be an idiotic use of the legislation it does not make it bad legislation. Just because a law is at times poorly applied does not necessariy make it a bad law e.g there have been many poor example relating to he laws of murder but that does not intrinsically make the law again killing people a bad thing. The problem is not in the law but the application.

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This makes sense I suppose. But it's the thin end of another wedge that could lead to smokers, then ex-smokers, then fat people, not getting any health care at all.

Harassment of smokers continues


You say it makes sense then have a rant about it!


Ideally it should not be necessary to even have to consider it as it should be common good manners, just as it should be common good manners for the health professional to turn up on time, presentable, and not reeking of BO and drink


It always amuses me in the smoking threads that both sides argue about rights, I am probably as guilty about this as anyone, but if there had been a bit consideration for others all round previously then maybe this legislation may not have had to been introduced.


I am not a smoker and will moan and complain if a smoker just lights up and it is irratating me or my family. But in the same situation if I had been asked first "do you mind if I light up" I may well have said fine. I may not like the fact they want to smoke and I will find it annoying for ten minutes or so but if they have the courtesy to ask me and be prepared to abide by my response then generally I will try and be courteous in return

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