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Crime Hotspot In Port St Mary


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How can such a small area be having so many problems? It is a shame that this kind of crime is beginning to spring up around the Island. I am uni in Middlesbrough at the moment, and this place is over-run with antisocial crime, such as car thefts and stealing car stereos etc. Saying that, this year seems to be a big improvement on last year, but the police have had a massive kick up the @rse from the Mayor of Middlesbrough Ray Mallon (yes THE robocop as he was dubbed) The problem that arises if these "minor" crimes continue is that it gets out of hand - i have seen car crime on the main street in the middle of the day, with these little yobs not caring who sees them or not.


I personally think the Manx police force need to get on to these crimes and sort it out before it spirals out of control and the government needs to have a look at doing something about the age of criminal responsibility. These yobs know the extent of the law and know that they can as good as get away with it. If they want to grow up so quickly in this day & age, they need to feel the consequences of their actions, instead of laughing about it and seeing the whole issue of getting arrested as a status symbol. The manx police do have an easy life compared to the UK police at the moment but things could change unless these issues are addressed now.


These are obviously my personal views, but I would be interested in seeing other points of view on the subject.

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In what is just the latest incident, a two-foot high illuminated Father Christmas has been taken from the garden of John O'Neill's house in Creggan Mooar.

The thief unplugged the electric cable and made off with the ornament.


Police have now dubbed the area a crime 'hot spot'.

Crimes range from stealing milk off the doorstep to breaking into houses.


Hardly surprising really is it. Look at the role models that they've got running the island!



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Our politicians have been stealing milk? :o Thought they only visited your doorstep in elections years.


In this small area there have been 44 incidents in the last 17 months reported to police – more have gone unreported, said police.

Getting into clairvoyance now, are they?




I personally think the Manx police force need to get on to these crimes and sort it out before it spirals out of control and the government needs to have a look at doing something about the age of criminal responsibility. These yobs know the extent of the law and know that they can as good as get away with it. If they want to grow up so quickly in this day & age, they need to feel the consequences of their actions, instead of laughing about it and seeing the whole issue of getting arrested as a status symbol. The manx police do have an easy life compared to the UK police at the moment but things could change unless these issues are addressed now.
It seems to me that some parents simply aren't doing their job. The police have a role but bringing up children and instilling right and wrong is down to the parents, not the police, not the schools and not government.

These feral children need supervision and discipline. Parents should be made responsible until such time as the child is old enough to assume responsibility for itself.


I watched a new bus shelter having glass replaced daily last winter. So in the end, the glass was left out. Can't blame anyone for that decision but some poor old souls had to stand in the windswept rain because these little low-lifes weren't controlled. Grief they make me cross.

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Legal responsibility at 11 - any kid older than that who doesn't understand what is and what isn't acceptable shouldn't be allowed out alone anyway.


Trouble with society these days is that we grant all these 'rights' as a given, rather than as a privilege - to do whatever people want with relative impunity.


And talk of doing more for the kids is a whitewash - the sort who commit vandalism and violence should be forcibly reminded that the punishment will echo the crime. Some little yob yesterday got 9 hours 'community service' for nicking and driving away a car or bike...how long did the poor sod who owned it have to work to pay for the thing, tax, insure and maintain it - and now (even if it wasn't damaged) it will never feel 'his' again!


I'd support the authorities every time if my kids committed anti-social offences of ANY sort, rather than bleat on that 'they've got nothing to do'. Kids visiting here from Middlesborough would think they'd gone to heaven...


What do we want? Zero Tolerance policing and courts. When do we want it? NOW!

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They need these new fangled ASBO thingies if we don't yet have them here! That and the birch.


That'd teach the little basturs a lesson. I had stuff robbed out of my boat and one of my cars down there a couple of years back. Little peckers need a couple of their light fingers snipping off to remind them why they should only put them to legal use. :angry:

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Maybe they should just shoot anyone near the PSM park estates?


I would have to agree with this statement. I would use something with a low mv like a Smith and Wesson .38 or a Webley .45 with soft-lead ammunition. Aiming for just below the knee a good shot should be able to take the lower leg clean off.


Of course, the shock could kill them before they bleed to death but that's a chance I'll just have to take.....



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Guns Dont Kill People


They do when I use them.


I blame Mission and Rhumsaa for this gangsta cr~psta. It appeals to the immature and they started it.


I'll be gone soon enough


just killing time for a few days


With over 100 meaningless one-liner "ping-pong" posts in only five days Rhumsaa is definitely living up to his words.


This is almost like the old days




Miserable old b~stard award please. Shamus hasn't earned it.



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Slightly off topic but.....


I was at a music concert at the grammar school last night and the first half of the show was constantly interrupted by a gang of oiks who were continually swearing and making a nuisance of themselves. xxxx this, that and the other was heard throughout and it became very tiresome.

My wife turned around and asked them to settle down but to no avail. Usual sarky comments were returned to her. Ditto other guests at the show.

I waited until the interval and sought information in identifying them from one of the teachers that were present. The deputy head then peered through the window, identified them, wrote down their names, then went into the hall and turfed the lot out !!!

Result !


The amount of abuse that she received was incredible. They shouted and swore at her and demanded their money back etc. She didn`t budge and I was very impressed.

She also advised that they will be dealt with today at school.

Best of all though, the oiks were waiting for the live bands which were scheduled to appear after the interval !!!


Hurrah for schools who can, to a certain extent, control the kids of today.

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Their parents weren't there then, then it would be 'leave my kid alone, xxxxing harrassment' etc.


I doubt it, they probably behave in a completely different manner when their parents are about. People moan too much at teenagers, give em a break, would you really want to be a teenager growing up today? it was tough enough when I was young, have a little compassion and stop being so 'stuffy'.



Port St Mary has always been quiet when I've been there - not even a bobby on the beat, perhaps thats why the crooks operate there.


Edit :- missed the topic and typo <_<

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