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Far Too Easy


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I think community service with a nice hi-viz vest is just the ticket!! Degrading treatment is what is needed, not locking away with no real expectation of reform, but lots of expense and recidivism. Community service is really just the 21st century's equivalent of the stocks; it is a chance for 'society' to gain some compensation for the ne'erdowell's actions. It is also an opportunity for society to see what petty criminals (ie non-injurious) look like and what could happen to your own if you let them run off the rails.


But everyone wears 'hi-viz' vests these days. They are an essential fashion accessory. I have never seen anyone doing community service.


Sorry, short period in jail is the only solution.



Good point. The Jacket should be very high viz, maybe pink which no other trades use. Also how about having "offender serving community service" emblazoned across back. Better still if the probation office were to run a community service day advertised in advance it would be plain for all to see who the scroats were and that they were atoning for their sins.


It strikes me that the majority of the time community service is almost anonymous which it should not be, if a prison sentence is served everyone knows about it, if community service is imposed who knows whats happened, a public register of who did what would be useful or photos in the press of service actually being done. I'm sorry but I want to see people pay for their wrongdoing.

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Good point. The Jacket should be very high viz, maybe pink which no other trades use. Also how about having "offender serving community service" emblazoned across back. Better still if the probation office were to run a community service day advertised in advance it would be plain for all to see who the scroats were and that they were atoning for their sins.


It strikes me that the majority of the time community service is almost anonymous which it should not be, if a prison sentence is served everyone knows about it, if community service is imposed who knows whats happened, a public register of who did what would be useful or photos in the press of service actually being done. I'm sorry but I want to see people pay for their wrongdoing.

!00% with you on that, make them feel shamed about what they did so next time they think twice

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I think community service with a nice hi-viz vest is just the ticket!! Degrading treatment is what is needed


Steady on. At this rate you'll be infriging his human rights and he'll have to be let off.


I've seen the community service minibus out and about on a couple of occasions. All they seem to do is smoke and chat. No real work seems to get done bar the odd KitKat wrapper picked up off the floor. Oh yeah, it's a punishment though because they have to go somewhere under supervision for an hour a week.

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You could get a posse together and then march to the criminal's home address with flaming torches and then torch his house with him in it. That'd show him, eye for an eye and that. THERE HE IS - BURN HIM, ..... lol,lol....... ; ))


I'm starting to like you... some of the time at least.



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You could get a posse together and then march to the criminal's home address with flaming torches and then torch his house with him in it. That'd show him, eye for an eye and that. THERE HE IS - BURN HIM, ..... lol,lol....... ; ))


I'm starting to like you... some of the time at least.





(Do you stock torches?)

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!00% with you on that, make them feel shamed about what they did so next time they think twice


Thinking is at a premium with these morons, so thinking twice would be asking too much. Lock them up.

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I have to say, I am not in favour of imprisoning people unless the crime is so heinous they deserve to be banished by society or are a risk to the safety and well being of an orderly society.


I think community service with a nice hi-viz vest is just the ticket!! Degrading treatment is what is needed, not locking away with no real expectation of reform, but lots of expense and recidivism. Community service is really just the 21st century's equivalent of the stocks; it is a chance for 'society' to gain some compensation for the ne'erdowell's actions. It is also an opportunity for society to see what petty criminals (ie non-injurious) look like and what could happen to your own if you let them run off the rails.

Totally agree. Sat on their arse in prison costing the taxpayer money is pretty pointless in many situations, when they could be out cleaning, painting, installing loft insulation, doing gardening (e.g. supervised gardening for many pensioners or parks) etc. etc. etc. If they are made to do this at weekends and evenings, they also have a chance to keep their day job, which if they lose it, costs the taxpayer even more in the long run. Though I think some of these community sentences could be far better organised and cover greater periods of time e.g. 200 hours is only the equivalent of 6 weeks working for many people.


Failing or failed relationships often affect people's minds and make people do stupid things. Whilst it doesn't justify doing those stupid things, state of mind is an important factor to consider in sentencing in such circumstances - not the mentality of the lynch mob.

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Not clear how many vehicles are involved here, one or two. What were the circumstances behind these actions?


I have to say, I am not in favour of imprisoning people unless the crime is so heinous they deserve to be banished by society or are a risk to the safety and well being of an orderly society.


I think community service with a nice hi-viz vest is just the ticket!! Degrading treatment is what is needed, not locking away with no real expectation of reform, but lots of expense and recidivism. Community service is really just the 21st century's equivalent of the stocks; it is a chance for 'society' to gain some compensation for the ne'erdowell's actions. It is also an opportunity for society to see what petty criminals (ie non-injurious) look like and what could happen to your own if you let them run off the rails.


If hi-viz jackets aren't the thing then what about those nice orange jump suits the Americans put people in, with something appropriate on the back - suggestions!

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Not clear how many vehicles are involved here, one or two. What were the circumstances behind these actions?

I think community service with a nice hi-viz vest is just the ticket!! Degrading treatment is what is needed, not locking away with no real expectation of reform, but lots of expense and recidivism.

If hi-viz jackets aren't the thing then what about those nice orange jump suits the Americans put people in, with something appropriate on the back - suggestions!

I disagree with the general use of Hi-viz jackets. This effectively groups all prisoners and crimes to be the same, when people are not all the same and crimes are not all the same - i.e. it potentially groups a flasher, with someone with mental health problems caught shoplifting, or someone who couldn't pay a TV licence fine because they were skint etc. Perhaps repeat offenders forced to wear hi-vis and such jackets to be introduced as part of a rehabiltation programme, maybe - but everyone, no. However, the danger with hi-vis IMO is that, like ASBO's, they could be seen as some sort of badge of honour by various scallies on the island, and not solve anything but the ramblings of the lynch mob. So, overall I still remain to be convinced of their benefits.

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teach them a trade.




Bit late now but we could have had them build the new prison for free.




lets get them to build a new landmark / folly, no ones done that for ages (intentionally anyway)




Demolish that disgrace on the top of Snaefell and build something nice.


At least then we'd get something back

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There's always a debate when it comes to the rights and wrongs of putting people in prison and informed comment requires a full knowledge of the facts of each particular case.


As a taxpayer, it isn't gonna cost me any more or less if someone does or doesn't go to prison. At least with prison it gives the community a well earned break from those arseholes who refuse to change their ways. With some people, education and rehabilitation is just not possible, so the less we see of them on the streets the better. Bang 'em up.

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But you may get more for your taxes if the incarceration bill wasn't so high. Believe me, my views are not from a bleeding heart liberal standpoint, just pure cost benefit, plenty of the former with prison and very little of the latter.


I also do not like the trend to make more and more offences imprisonable; it is a symptom of an over-weaning political system. There is far too much control and regulation from government, and that has resulted in ever more offences becoming imprisonable. After all, politicians are only human just like you and I, even the ones in the EC; they do not have a divine insight into what will make our lives and society better, so why do we put so much trust in 'they' getting it right?


As for the hi viz argument, I am all for a bit of degradation if it makes a scrote feel a little uncomfortable, even better if the community benefits from his service in some way. Agreed, there may be extenuating circumstances, but that should be reflected in the number of hours service you do, not whether you have to be visible in doing them.

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