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[BBC News] Warnings over 'dangerous' weeds


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TBH I thought this was joke thread, in light of all the other fake warning threads stupidobot has been posting. Save me, save me from the weed.... its addling my brain and making me eat and ....oh not that weed, me sees, as you were, no further comment.

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It kills horses too, or maybe that is some other dangerous weed. I remember one time, when I was young, we picked these green flowers for our mums, unbeknown to us the council had been round and sprayed them with some weed killer, quite nasty it was too, all of us got these really nasty bubble blisters all over our legs and arms, had to have special antihistamines off the doctor and everything, so we did.

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It kills horses too, or maybe that is some other dangerous weed. I remember one time, when I was young, we picked these green flowers for our mums, unbeknown to us the council had been round and sprayed them with some weed killer, quite nasty it was too, all of us got these really nasty bubble blisters all over our legs and arms, had to have special antihistamines off the doctor and everything, so we did.

Ragwort I think - kills horses and cattle.


I am looking forward to a warning that Holly leaves can prick the skin and that rose thorns may cause septic cuts if not treated properly. And what about the unbelievable risks assocated with falling into blackberry bushes or nettles? The safety people are failing to warn us of a number of clear and present dangers. Or maybe we just have to wait for the next announcement.


Goodness knows how we all survived in the days before these warnings...I can't remember fields full of people with blistering skin but may have been too small to see over the hedges.

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Hogweed is a right fecker of a plant. Whenever I have to use the strimmer at my old dear's it somehow always transpires that I

1) Will be wearing shorts & a tshirt (or maybe even a 'wifebeater'), and

2) Will unwittingly rip through a load of hogweed and splash it all over my legs, resulting in quite sore blisters.


Might learn one day, but I must confess these warnings haven't really helped prevent it. :)

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Are these smokeable weeds

"The law covers weeds such as the Giant Hogweed, the sap of which attacks the skin and leads to severe blistering." I'm guessing not


The best way to beat these things is to put a pair of shorts on, rev the nuts off your strimmer and blast the bastards. :o



Edit: Didn't read Cret's post above first.

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You'd have thought that after all these thousands of years horses and cattle have been living in the counrtyside they would have learnt that hogweed, or whatever, will kill them if they eat it. Stupid animals.

Can anyone cite a case of a horse being killed by this stuff?, in the last 100 years.

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